کتاب های Robert Michael (auth.)

Crystal-Induced Arthropathies: Gout, Pseudogout and Apatite-Associated Syndromes
Robert L. Wortmann, H. Ralph Schumacher, Michael A. Becker, Lawrence M. Ryan, 2006
An Introduction to Bootstrap Methods with Applications to R
Michael R. Chernick, Robert A. LaBudde, 2011
ABC of Spinal Disorders (ABC Series)
Andrew Clarke, Alwyn Jones, Michael O'Malley, Robert McLaren, 2010
Equity Markets and Valuation Methods
Gary G. Schlarbaum, Robert L. Hagin, Barr Rosenberg, Meir Statman, Kenneth N. Levy Bruce I. Jacobs, Jeffrey L. Skelton, H. Russell Fogler, Preston W. Estep, Eric H. Sorensen, Dean LeBaron, Wayne H. Wagner, Michael L. McCowin Paul H. Aron, 1988
Clinical Anesthesia Fundamentals
Paul G. Barash, Bruce F. Cullen, Michael Cahalan, M. Christine Stock, Rafael Ortega, Sam R. Sharar, Robert K. Stoelting, 2015
Clinical Anesthesia (Barash), 6th Edition
Paul G Barash, Bruce F Cullen, Robert K Stoelting, Michael Cahalan, M. Christine Stock, 2009
Le Manuel Merck de diagnostic et thérapeutique
Mark H. Beers, Robert S. Porter, Thomas V. Jones, Justin L. Kaplan, Michael Berkwits, 2008
James S. Tan, Michael J. Tan, Robert A. Salata, Thomas M. File Jr., 2007
Accessible Categories: The Foundations of Categorical Model Theory
Michael Makkai, Robert Pare (ed.), 1989
Wendehorst Baustoffkunde: Grundlagen - Baustoffe - Oberflächenschutz, 27. Auflage
Ulrich Gerhardt, Klaus Peter Großkurth, Robert Engelfried, Michael Raupach, Ulf Zander, Günter Neroth, Dieter Vollenschaar, 2011
Behavioral and Psychopharmacologic Pain Management
Edited by Michael H. Ebert and Robert D. Kerns, 2010
Helping Ourselves : Success Stories in Cooperative Business & Social Enterprise
Robert Briscoe; Michael Ward, 2011
Averages: A New Approach
Jane Grossman, Michael Grossman, Robert Katz
Computer Entrepreneur
Michael Katz, Robert Levering, Moskowitz, 1984
Clinical Biochemistry: An Illustrated Colour Text, 5e
Allan Gaw MD PhD FRCPath FFPM PGCertMedEd, Michael J. Murphy FRCP Edin FRCPath, Rajeev Srivastava, Robert A. Cowan BScPhD, Denis St. J. O'Reilly MSc MD FRCP FRCPath, 2013
Astrology and Divination (Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena)
Robert Michael Place, 2008
How to Innovate in Marketing
Monique Reece, Michael Tasner, Tony Davila, Marc Epstein, Robert Shelton, Larry Arcature LLC Light, Joan Arcature LLC Kiddon, 2013
Key States, High Stakes: Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and the 2010 Elections
Charles S., III Bullock, Dante J. Scala, Daniel C. Reed, Ted G. Jelen, Amy Widestrom, Christopher Dennis, Susan A. MacManus, David J. Bonanza, Mary L. Moss, Joel Turner, Scott Lasley, Geoffrey Peterson, Stanley P. Berard, M Jean Kingston, Robert Rupp, Costas Panagopoulos, AndrewDowdle , Joseph D. Giammo, Michael A. Maggiotto, Raymond H. Scheele, Janna L. Deitz, Edward Anegon, David Nice, Diana Evans, Charles S. Bullock III, 2011
Campbell Biology
Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson, 2013
Campbell Biology in Focus
Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson, Jane B. Reece, 2013
Campbell Biology, 9th Edition
Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson, 2010
Campbell Biology, 9th Edition
Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson, 2010
Evaluating Novel Threats to the Homeland: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Cruise Missiles
Brian A. Jackson, David R. Frelinger, Michael J. Lostumbo, Robert W. Button, 2007