کتاب های Robert S. Chen (editor)

Vortex Structure and Dynamics: Lectures of a Workshop Held in Rouen, France, April 27–28, 1999 (Lecture Notes in Physics)
Agnes Maurel, Jürgen Ehlers (editor), Klaus Hepp (editor), Hans Arwed Weidenmuller (editor), U. Frisch (editor), W. Hillebrandt (editor), D. Imboden (editor), R. Lipowsky (editor), Julius Wess (editor), Robert L. Jaffe (editor), R. Kippenhahn (editor), I. Ojima (editor), R. Beig (editor), H.V. Lohneysen (editor), Philippe Petitjeans (editor), 2000
The New Cambridge History of Islam 6 Volume Set
Michael Cook (editor), Chase F. Robinson (editor), Maribel Fierro (editor), David O. Morgan (editor), Anthony Reid (editor), Robert Irwin (editor), Francis Robinson (editor), Robert Hefner (editor), 2010
VVG. Band 4 §§ 100-124 VVG: AVB D&O 2020
Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Robert Koch (editor); Christian Armbrüster (editor); Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Robert Koch (editor); et al. (editor), 2021
Electronic Voting: 6th International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2021, Virtual Event, October 5–8, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12900)
Robert Krimmer (editor), Melanie Volkamer (editor), David Duenas-Cid (editor), Oksana Kulyk (editor), Peter Rønne (editor), Mihkel Solvak (editor), Micha Germann (editor), 2021
Natural Disaster Hotspots Case Studies (Disaster Risk Management)
Margaret Arnold (Editor), Robert S. Chen (Editor), Uwe Deichmann (Editor), Maxx Dilley (Editor), Art, 2006
John E. Cotes (Editor), Robert L. Maynard (Editor), Sarah J. Pearce (Editor), Benoit B. Nemery (Editor), Peter D. Wagner (Editor), Brendan G. Cooper (Editor), 2020
Advances in Data Science and Information Engineering: Proceedings from ICDATA 2020 and IKE 2020 (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)
Robert Stahlbock (editor), Gary M. Weiss (editor), Mahmoud Abou-Nasr (editor), Cheng-Ying Yang (editor), Hamid R. Arabnia (editor), Leonidas Deligiannidis (editor), 2021
VVG: Band 2 §§ 19-73 VVG
Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Robert Koch (editor); Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Oliver Brand (editor); Christoph Brömmelmeyer (editor); et al. (editor), 2022
The Intercountry Adoption Debate: Dialogues Across Disciplines
Robert L. Ballard (editor), Naomi H. Goodno (editor), Robert F. Cochran (editor), Jay A. Milbrandt (editor), 2015
The Atmosphere and Climate of Mars
Robert M. Haberle (editor), R. Todd Clancy (editor), François Forget (editor), Michael D. Smith (editor), Richard W. Zurek (editor), 2017
Orlando, G: Transplantation, Bioengineering, and Regeneratio
Giuseppe Orlando (editor), Lorenzo Piemonti (editor), Camillo Ricordi (editor), Robert J. Stratta (editor), Rainer W.G. Gruessner (editor), 2019
Transplantation, Bioengineering, and Regeneration of the Endocrine Pancreas: Volume 2
Giuseppe Orlando (editor), Lorenzo Piemonti (editor), Camillo Ricordi (editor), Robert J. Stratta (editor), Rainer W.G. Gruessner (editor), 2019
The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives
Rudy B. Andeweg (editor), Robert Elgie (editor), Ludger Helms (editor), Juliet Kaarbo (editor), Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (editor), 2020
Food security and climate change
Robert John Redden (editor); Danny Hunter (editor); Andreas Ebert (editor); Jerry L. Hatfield (editor); Shyam S. Yadav (editor), 2019
Feedback Economics: Economic Modeling with System Dynamics (Contemporary Systems Thinking)
Robert Y. Cavana (editor), Brian C. Dangerfield (editor), Oleg V. Pavlov (editor), Michael J. Radzicki (editor), I. David Wheat (editor), 2021
The Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education (2020 Edition)
Tonette S. Rocco (editor), M Cecil Smith (editor), Robert C. Mizzi (editor), Lisa R. Merriweather (editor), Joshua D. Hawley (editor), 2021
Print Culture Histories Beyond the Metropolis
James J. Connolly (editor), Patrick Collier (editor), Frank Felsenstein (editor), Kenneth R. Hall (editor), Robert Hall (editor), 2016
Wise Practices: Exploring Indigenous Economic Justice and Self-Determination
Robert Hamilton (editor), John Borrows (editor), Brent Mainprize (editor), Ryan Beaton (editor), Joshua Ben David Nichols (editor), 2021
Das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsprechung des Reichsgerichts und des Bundesgerichtshofes: Band 2, Teil 2 Einzelne Schuldverhältnisse, §§ 705–853
Robert Fischer (editor); Friedrich Kreft (editor); Georg Kuhn (editor); Karl Haager (editor); Georg Scheffler (editor), 1960
The Poetry of Li He
Robert Ashmore (editor); Sarah M. Allen (editor); Christopher M. B. Nugent (editor); Xiaofei Tian (editor); Tang Prize Foundation (editor), 2023
The Poetry of Li He
Robert Ashmore (editor); Sarah M. Allen (editor); Christopher M. B. Nugent (editor); Xiaofei Tian (editor); Tang Prize Foundation (editor), 2023
The Routledge International Handbook on Decolonizing Justice
Chris Cunneen (editor); Antje Deckert (editor); Amanda Porter (editor); Juan Tauri (editor); Robert Webb (editor), 2023
Humain, trop humain. Un livre pour esprits libres I
Friedrich Nietzsche (editor); Giorgio Colli (editor); Mazzino Montinari (editor); de Launay Marc B. (editor); Robert Rovini (editor), 1988
Feedback Economics: Economic Modeling with System Dynamics (Contemporary Systems Thinking)
Robert Y. Cavana (editor), Brian C. Dangerfield (editor), Oleg V. Pavlov (editor), Michael J. Radzicki (editor), I. David Wheat (editor), 2021