کتاب های Roland Rotz

Practicing Organization Development: A Guide for Leading Change (J-B O-D (Organizational Development))
William J. Rothwell, Jacqueline M. Stavros, Roland L. Sullivan, Arielle Sullivan, 2009
Practicing Organization Development: Leading Transformation and Change
William J. Rothwell, Jacqueline M. Stavros, Roland L. Sullivan, 2015
Phraseological Dictionary English - German: General Vocabulary in Technical and Scientific Texts
Roland Kraus, Peter Baumgartner (auth.), 2011
Microbial Linear Plasmids
Keith F. Chater, Haruyasu Kinashi (auth.), Friedhelm Meinhardt, Roland Klassen (eds.), 2007
Future Data and Security Engineering: First International Conference, FDSE 2014, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 19-21, 2014, Proceedings
Tran Khanh Dang, Roland Wagner, Erich Neuhold, Makoto Takizawa, Josef Küng, Nam Thoai (eds.), 2014
Augustine of Hippo: Philosopher, Exegete and Theologian: A Second Collection of Essays
Roland J. Teske, 2009
Mathematics of Program Construction: 5th International Conference, MPC 2000, Ponte de Lima, Portugal, July 3-5, 2000 Proceedings
Mark P. Jones (auth.), Roland Backhouse, José Nuno Oliveira (eds.), 2000
Mathematics of Program Construction: 5th International Conference, MPC 2000, Ponte de Lima, Portugal, July 3-5, 2000 Proceedings
Mark P. Jones (auth.), Roland Backhouse, José Nuno Oliveira (eds.), 2000
D'où viennent les pouvoirs de Superman ? Physique ordinaire d'un super-héros French
Roland Lehoucq, 2003
Atmospheric Flight in the Twentieth Century
Peter Galison, Alex Roland (eds.), 2000
Divided Korea: Toward a Culture of Reconciliation (Borderlines series)
Roland Bleiker, 2008
Dynamics of Fibre Formation and Processing: Modelling and Application in Fibre and Textile Industry
Roland Beyreuther, Harald Brünig, 2010
Dynamics of Fibre Formation and Processing: Modelling and Application in Fibre and Textile Industry
Prof.Dr.-Ing. habil. Roland Beyreuther, Dr. rer. nat. Harald Brünig (auth.), 2007
Meten in de praktijk: Stappenplan voor het gebruik van meetinstrumenten in de gezondheidszorg
Sandra Beurskens, Roland van Peppen, Eric Stutterheim, Raymond Swinkels, Harriët Wittink (auth.), 2008
Diversity in Barley: Hordeum vulgare
Roland von Bothmer, Theo van Hintum, Helmut Knüpffer and Kazuhiro Sato (Eds.), 2003
Stoer-Bulirsch numerische Mathematik 1
Roland W. Freund, Ronald H.W. Hoppe, 2007
Metal Ions In Biological Systems, Volume 44: Biogeochemistry, Availability, and Transport of Metals in the Environment
Helmut Sigel, Roland Sigel, 2005
Bedrohte Professionalität: Einschränkungen und aktuelle Herausforderungen für die Soziale Arbeit
Roland Becker Lenz, Stefan Busse, Gudrun Ehlert, Silke Müller-Hermann (eds.), 2015
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XVIII
D. G. Buerk, S. Osanai, D. K. Chugh, A. Mokashi, S. Lahiri (auth.), Edwin M. Nemoto, Joseph C. LaManna, Christopher Cooper, David Delpy, Karlfried Groebe, Thomas K. Hunt, Peter Keipert, Avrahim Mayevsky, Roland N. Pittman, William L. Rumsey, Peter Vaupel, David F. Wilson (eds.), 1997
Banking Sector Liberalization in India: Evaluation of Reforms and Comparative Perspectives on China
Dr. Christian Roland (auth.), 2008
Osteoarthritis : diagnosis and medical/surgical management
Roland W. Moskowitz MD, Roy D. Altman MD, Joseph A. Buckwalter MD, Victor M. Goldberg, Marc C. Hochberg MDMPH, 2007
Osteoarthritis: Diagnosis and Medical/Surgical Management
Roland W. Moskowitz, Roy D. Altman, Joseph A. Buckwalter, Victor M. Goldberg, Marc C. Hochberg, 2006
Bentonite Clay : Environmental Properties and Applications
Pusch, Roland, 2015
High-Power Diode Lasers: Fundamentals, Technology, Applications: With Contributions by Numerous Experts
Peter Unger (auth.), Dr. Roland Diehl (eds.), 2000