کتاب های Rolf Ekman

Being and Being Bought: Prostitution, Surrogacy and the Split Self
Kajsa Ekis Ekman, 2014
Natura emocji: podstawowe zagadnienia
Ekman P, 2002
Learning regional innovation: Scandinavian models
Marianne Ekman, 2010
Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation
Laurie Lundy-Ekman, 2007
Gefühle lesen: Wie Sie Emotionen erkennen und richtig interpretieren
Paul Ekman (auth.), 2010
Neuroscience : Fundamentals for Rehabilitation.
Lundy-Ekman, Laurie, 2013
Babies of Technology: Assisted Reproduction and the Rights of the Child
Mary Ann Mason, Tom Ekman, 2017
Zoogeography Of The Sea
Sven Ekman, 1953
All Monsters Must Die: An Excursion to North Korea
Magnus Bärtås; Fredrik Ekman, 2015
Facial Action Coding System. The Manual
Paul Ekman, Wallace V. Friesen, Joseph C. Hager
A linguagem das emoções
Paul Ekman, 2011
Varat och varan : prostitution, surrogatmödraskap och den delade människan
Kajsa Ekis Ekman, 2010
Alla monster måste dö! Gruppresa till Nordkorea - ett reportage
Magnus Bärtås; Fredrik Ekman, 2011
Political Culture In The Baltic States: Between National And European Integration
Kjetil Duvold, Sten Berglund, Joakim Ekman, 2020
Strindberg and the Five Senses: Studies in Strindberg's Chamber Plays
Hans-Goran Ekman, 2001
Management and Information Technology after Digital Transformation
Peter Ekman, Peter Dahlin, Christina Keller, 2021
Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation, 5e
Laurie Lundy-Ekman PhDPT, 2017
Leleplezett érzelmek
Paul Ekman, 2011
Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation
Laurie Lundy-Ekman
Democratic Innovations in Central and Eastern Europe
Sergiu Gherghina; Joakim Ekman; Olena Podolian, 2021