کتاب های Ron Marasco

About Grief: Insights, Setbacks, Grace Notes, Taboos
Ron Marasco, 2010
Applications of Plant Metabolic Engineering
Erin K. Marasco, 2007
The Highway of Despair: Critical Theory After Hegel
Robyn Marasco, 2015
Greek and Roman Historiography in Late Antiquity: Fourth to Sixth Century, A.D
Gabriele Marasco, 2003
The Software Development Edge: Essays on Managing Successful Projects
Joe Marasco, 2005
The Software Development Edge: Essays on Managing Successful Projects
Joe Marasco, 2005
Classical Mechanics with Mathematica®
Antonio Romano, Addolorata Marasco, 2018
Sparta agli inizi dell’eta Ellenistica: il regno di Areo 1. (309-8 - 265-4 a. C.)
Marasco, Gabriele, 1980
Continuum Mechanics using Mathematica. Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications
Antonio Romano, Addolorata Marasco, 2014