کتاب های Root, David E.(eds.)

Advances in Information Retrieval: 27th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, March 21-23, 2005. Proceedings
C. J. ‘Keith’ van Rijsbergen (auth.), David E. Losada, Juan M. Fernández-Luna (eds.), 2005
Control Systems Theory and Applications for Linear Repetitive Processes
Eric Rogers, Krzysztof Galkowski, David H. Owens (auth.), 2007
Nonlinear and Adaptive Control: NCN4 2001
Alessandro Astolfi, Romeo Ortega (auth.), Professor Alan Zinober, Professor David Owens (eds.), 2003
Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Mathematics in Industry
A. Bossavit (auth.), John Manley, Sean McKee, David Owens (eds.), 1990
A Plea For Captain Brown
Thoreau Henry David
A Plea for Captain Brown
Thoreau Henry David
A Week
Thoreau Henry David
A Week on the Concord
Thoreau Henry David
A Week On The Concord & Merrimack Rivers
Thoreau Henry David
A Week On The Concord And Merrimack Rivers
Thoreau Henry David
Cape Cod
Thoreau Henry David
Civil Disobediance
Thoreau Henry David
Civil Disobedience
Thoreau Henry David
Civil Disobedience
Thoreau Henry David
Civil disobedience
Thoreau Henry David
Civil Disobedience
Henry David Thoreau, 2009
Desobediencia Civil
Thoreau Henry David
Excursions with Thoreau : philosophy, poetry, religion
Mooney, Edward F.; Thoreau, Henry David, 2015
Faith in a Seed: The Dispersion Of Seeds and Other Late Natural History Writings
Henry David Thoreau, 1996
Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau Henry David, 2005
La désobéissance civile
Henry David Thoreau