کتاب های Roxana Radu

Estudios de variación y contacto lingüístico en el español peruano
Roxana Risco (ed.), Amalia García, Roxana Risco, José Ramírez, Carmen Cuba, Joanna Wilk-Racięska, Ana García, Azucena Palacios, Carola Mick, Christine Deprez, Chad Howe (auts.), 2018
Cyberspace and International Relations: Theory, Prospects and Challenges
Roxana Radu (auth.), 2014
Negotiating Internet Governance
Roxana Radu, 2019
Criação, proteção e uso legal de informação em ambientes da World Wide Web
Elizabeth Roxana Mass Araya, Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti, 2010
Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks: Proceedings of the International Conference Lacona VII, Madrid, Spain, 17 - 21 September 2007
Marta Castillejo, Pablo Moreno, Mohamed Oujja, Roxana Radvan, Javier Ruiz, 2008
Advances in the science and engineering of casting solidification : an MPMD Symposium honoring Doru Michael Stefanescu
Laurentiu Nastac, Baicheng Liu, Hasse Fredriksson, Jacques Lacaze, Chun-Pyo Hong, Adrian Catalina, Andreas Buhrig-Polaczek, Daan M. Maijer, Charles Andrew Monroe, Adrian Sabau, Roxana Ruxanda, Alan A. Luo, Subhayu Sen, Attila Diószegi, 2015
Between Two Worlds: My Life and Captivity in Iran
Roxana Saberi, 2011
Anti-Racism, Feminism, and Critical Approaches to Education: (Critical Studies in Education and Culture Series)
Roxana Ng, Pat Staton, Joyce Scane, 1995
The Last Living Slut: Born in Iran, Bred Backstage
Roxana Shirazi, 2010
Paths and rivers: Sa'dan Toraja society in transformation
Roxana Waterson, 2009
Educational Psychology
Roxana Moreno, 2009
Sanja Ivekovic : sweet violence
Marcoci, Roxana, 2011
Between Two Worlds
Roxana Saberi, 2010
Développer les usages des logiciels collaboratifs: Le rôle des SI, des RH et des managers
Roxana Ologeanu-Taddei, 2013
Plato's Cosmology and its Ethical Dimensions
Gabriela Roxana Carone, 2005
Dictionar Suedez-Roman Roman-Suedez
Roxana-Ema DREVE, 2009
Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics. New Essays on Space and Time
Roxana Baiasu, 2012
Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics: New Essays on Space and Time
Roxana Baiasu, 2012
Glaciares Chilenos: Reservas Estrategicas de Agua Dulce
Roxana Borquez, 2006
Dictionar Suedez-Român
Roxana-Ema DREVE, 2009
Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks VIII
Roxana Radvan, 2010
An Ethnography of Household Energy Demand in the UK: Everyday Temporalities of Digital Media Usage
Roxana Moroşanu (auth.), 2016