کتاب های Ru Min Wang

Energy Technology 2015 Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies
Animesh Jha, Cong Wang, Neale R. Neelameggham, Donna P. Guillen, Li Li, Cynthia K. Belt, Randolph Kirchain, Jeffrey S. Spangenberger, Frank Johnson, Andrew J. Gomes, Amit Pandey, Peter Hosemann, 2015
Web and Communication Technologies and Internet-Related Social Issues - HSI 2005: 3rd International Conference on Human.Society@Internet, Tokyo, Japan, July 27-29, 2005. Proceedings
Myoung-soo Park, Jonk-ki Kim, Tai-sung Hur, Nag-hwan Kim, Eun-sil Lee, Yo-seop Woo (auth.), Shinji Shimojo, Shingo Ichii, Tok-Wang Ling, Kwan-Ho Song (eds.), 2005
Handbook of advanced industrial and hazardous wastes treatment
Lawrence K. Wang, Yung-Tse Hung, Nazih K. Shammas (editors), 2009
Handbook of Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Treatment
Lawrence K. Wang, Yung-Tse Hung, Nazih K. Shammas, 2009
Handbook of Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Treatment, Volume II
Lawrence K. Wang, Yung-Tse Hung, Nazih K. Shammas, 2009
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2012, Bristol, UK, September 24-28, 2012. Proceedings, Part II
Ruilin Liu, Hui (Wendy) Wang, Anna Monreale, Dino Pedreschi, Fosca Giannotti, Wenge Guo (auth.), Peter A. Flach, Tijl De Bie, Nello Cristianini (eds.), 2012
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2012, Bristol, UK, September 24-28, 2012. Proceedings, Part II
Ruilin Liu, Hui (Wendy) Wang, Anna Monreale, Dino Pedreschi, Fosca Giannotti, Wenge Guo (auth.), Peter A. Flach, Tijl De Bie, Nello Cristianini (eds.), 2012
Semiconductor Nanowires: From Next-Generation Electronics to Sustainable Energy
Wei Lu, Jie Xiang, Jie Xiang, Hans-Jörg Schneider, Mohsen Shahinpoor, Charles Lieber, Peidong Yang, Yi Cui, Ritesh Agarwal, Song Jin, Bozhi Tian, Renkun Chen, Deli Wang, 2014
Advances in Blended Learning: Second Workshop on Blended Learning, WBL 2008, Jinhua, China, Augustl 20-22, 2008. Revised Selected Papers
Joseph Fong (auth.), Elvis Wai Chung Leung, Fu Lee Wang, Langfang Miao, Jianmin Zhao, Jifeng He (eds.), 2008
Advances in Blended Learning: Second Workshop on Blended Learning, WBL 2008, Jinhua, China, Augustl 20-22, 2008. Revised Selected Papers
Joseph Fong (auth.), Elvis Wai Chung Leung, Fu Lee Wang, Langfang Miao, Jianmin Zhao, Jifeng He (eds.), 2008
Advances in Visual Computing: 7th International Symposium, ISVC 2011, Las Vegas, NV, USA, September 26-28, 2011. Proceedings, Part I
Ming Yan, Jianwen Chen, Luminita A. Vese, John Villasenor, Alex Bui, Jason Cong (auth.), George Bebis, Richard Boyle, Bahram Parvin, Darko Koracin, Song Wang, Kim Kyungnam, Bedrich Benes, Kenneth Moreland, Christoph Borst, Stephen DiVerdi, Chiang Yi-Jen, Jiang Ming (eds.), 2011
Computer Network Security: Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-ACNS 2007 St. Petersburg, Russia, September 13–15, 2007 Proceedings
Christian Collberg, Jasvir Nagra, Fei-Yue Wang (auth.), Vladimir Gorodetsky, Igor Kotenko, Victor A. Skormin (eds.), 2007
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems: Third International Conference, FORMATS 2005, Uppsala, Sweden, September 26-28, 2005. Proceedings
Lothar Thiele (auth.), Paul Pettersson, Wang Yi (eds.), 2005
Intelligent Data analysis and its Applications, Volume I: Proceeding of the First Euro-China Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications, June 13-15, 2014, Shenzhen, China
Jeng-Shyang Pan, Vaclav Snasel, Emilio S. Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Shyue-Liang Wang (eds.), 2014
Intelligent Data analysis and its Applications, Volume II: Proceeding of the First Euro-China Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications, June 13-15, 2014, Shenzhen, China
Jeng-Shyang Pan, Vaclav Snasel, Emilio S. Corchado, Ajith Abraham, Shyue-Liang Wang (eds.), 2014
Modern image quality assessment
Zhou Wang, Alan C. Bovik, 2006
Bioinformatics of Human Proteomics
Duojiao Wu M.D., Ph.D., Haihao Li (auth.), Xiangdong Wang (eds.), 2013
Contemporary Logistics in China: Assimilation and Innovation
Bing-lian Liu, Shao-ju Lee, Ling Wang, Ya Xu, Xiang Li (eds.), 2014
Contemporary Logistics in China: Consolidation and Deepening
Zhilun Jiao (auth.), Bing-lian Liu, Shao-ju Lee, Ling Wang, Xiang Li, Jian-hua Xiao (eds.), 2014
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 12th International Conference, TACAS 2006, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2006, Vienna, Austria, March 25 - April 2, 2006. Proceedings
Somesh Jha, Stefan Schwoon, Hao Wang, Thomas Reps (auth.), Holger Hermanns, Jens Palsberg (eds.), 2006