کتاب های Rudolf Much

Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science: 11th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science, RelMiCS 2009, and 6th International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra, AKA 2009, Doha, Qatar, November 1-5, 2009. Proceedings
Rohit Parikh (auth.), Rudolf Berghammer, Ali Mohamed Jaoua, Bernhard Möller (eds.), 2009
Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science: 11th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science, RelMiCS 2009, and 6th International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra, AKA 2009, Doha, Qatar, November 1-5, 2009. Proceedings
Rohit Parikh (auth.), Rudolf Berghammer, Ali Mohamed Jaoua, Bernhard Möller (eds.), 2009
Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science: 11th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science, RelMiCS 2009, and 6th International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra, AKA 2009, Doha, Qatar, November 1-5, 2009. Proceedings
Rohit Parikh (auth.), Rudolf Berghammer, Ali Mohamed Jaoua, Bernhard Möller (eds.), 2009
Gas Phase Chromatography: Volume I Gas Chromatography
Rudolf Kaiser (auth.), 1995
Gas Phase Chromatography: Volume II Capillary Chromatography
Rudolf Kaiser (auth.), 1995
Development: Genetics, Epigenetics and Environmental Regulation
Peter G. Stockley, Nicola J. Stonehouse (auth.), PD Dr. Vincenzo E. A. Russo, Professor Dr. David J. Cove, PH. D. Lois G. Edgar, Professor Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch, Professor Dr. Francesco Salamini (eds.), 1999
Herz und herznahe Gefäße
Rudolf Zenker (auth.), H. G. Borst, W. Klinner, Å. Senning, W. Bircks, L. Brunner, H. Dalichau, J. von der Emde, G. Friehs, H. Hamelmann, F. Helmer, H.-E. Hoffmeister, P.-G. Kirchhoff, J. Koncz, J. Kraft-Kinz, A. Krian, H. Meisner, B. J. Messmer, H. Oelert, A. Puff, B. Reichart, P. Rumpf, A. Schaudig, F. W. Schildberg, P. Schmidt-Habelmann, W. Schmitz, F. Sebening, K. Stapenhorst, W. J. Stelter, E. Struck, R. Zenker (eds.), 1978
Herz und herznahe Gefäße
Rudolf Zenker (auth.), H. G. Borst, W. Klinner, Å. Senning, W. Bircks, L. Brunner, H. Dalichau, J. von der Emde, G. Friehs, H. Hamelmann, F. Helmer, H.-E. Hoffmeister, P.-G. Kirchhoff, J. Koncz, J. Kraft-Kinz, A. Krian, H. Meisner, B. J. Messmer, H. Oelert, A. Puff, B. Reichart, P. Rumpf, A. Schaudig, F. W. Schildberg, P. Schmidt-Habelmann, W. Schmitz, F. Sebening, K. Stapenhorst, W. J. Stelter, E. Struck, R. Zenker (eds.), 1978
Otosclerosis And Stapes Surgery. Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Wolfgang Arnold, Rudolf Hausler, 2006
Plastic Surgery of Head and Neck: Volume I: Corrective and Reconstructive Rhinoplasty
Hans Joachim Denecke, Rudolf Meyer (auth.), 1967
Atlas of Confocal Laser Scanning In-vivo Microscopy in Ophthalmology: Principles and Applications in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ophthalmology
Prof.Dr. med. Rudolf F. Guthoff, Christophe Baudouin MD, Phd, Prof.Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Stave (auth.), 2006
A nemzetek gazdagsága (The Wealth of Nations)
Adam Smith (ford.: Bilek Rudolf)
A nemzetek gazdagsága (The Wealth of Nations)
Adam Smith (ford.: Bilek Rudolf), 1959
El Arte del Sacrificio en Ajedrez
Rudolf Spielmann, 1968
Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2004
Prof. Dr. Hans Merkens (auth.), Rudolf Tippelt, Thomas Rauschenbach, Horst Weishaupt (eds.), 2004
Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters: Projects for the Electronics Experimenter
Rudolf F. Graf, William Sheets, 2001
Examens-Fragen Biomathematik
Dr. rer nat. Achim Heinecke, Dipl.-Math. Ekhard Hultsch (auth.), Dr. rer nat. Achim Heinecke, Dipl.-Math. Ekhard Hultsch, Prof. Dr. med. et Dipl.-Math. Rudolf Repges, Prof. Dr. med. et Dipl.-Math. Friedrich Wingert (eds.), 1975
A Comparison of the Dynamical Evolution of Planetary Systems: Proceedings of the Sixth Alexander von Humboldt Colloquium on Celestial Mechanics Bad Hofgastein (Austria), 21–27 March 2004
Andrea Milani, Zoran Knežević (auth.), Rudolf Dvorak, Sylvio Ferraz-Mello (eds.), 2005
An Exploration of Dynamical Systems and Chaos: Completely Revised and Enlarged Second Edition
John H. Argyris, Gunter Faust, Maria Haase, Rudolf Friedrich (auth.), 2015
Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines Volume III: Thin-layer and High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Chinese Drugs
Hildebert Wagner, Rudolf Bauer, Dieter Melchart, Pei-Gen Xiao, Anton Staudinger (eds.), 2015
Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines. Thin-layer and High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Chinese Drugs (2 Volumes)
Hildebert Wagner, Rudolf Bauer, Dieter Melchart, Pei-Gen Xiao, Anton Staudinger, 2011
Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines: Thin-layer and High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Chinese Drugs
Prof.em.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Hildebert Wagner (auth.), Prof.em.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Hildebert Wagner, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bauer, Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dieter Melchart, Prof. Pei-Gen Xiao, Dipl.Kfm. Anton Staudinger (eds.), 2011
Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines: Thin-layer and High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Chinese Drugs
Hildebert Wagner, Rudolf Bauer, Dieter Melchart, Pei-Gen Xiao, Anton Staudinger, 2011
Fuzzy Control: Fundamentals, Stability and Design of Fuzzy Controllers
Kai Michels Dr., Frank Klawonn Professor Dr., Rudolf Kruse Professor Dr., Andreas Nürnberger Dr. (auth.), 2006