کتاب های Sébastien G.

Sécurité informatique - Ethical Hacking - Apprendre l'attaque pour mieux se défendre
Franck Ebel, Sébastien Baudru, Robert Crocfer, David Puche,Jérôme Hennecart, Sébastien Lasson Marion Agé, 2009
L’An deux mille quatre cent quarante
Louis-Sébastien Mercier [Mercier, Louis-Sébastien], 1774
Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Climate Governance
Sébastien Duyck, Sébastien Jodoin, Alyssa Johl, 2018
Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2008: 28th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 17-21, 2008. Proceedings
Jean-Sébastien Coron, Jacques Patarin, Yannick Seurin (auth.), David Wagner (eds.), 2008
Block Copolymers in Nanoscience
Massimo Lazzari, Guojun Liu, Sebastien Lecommandoux, 2007
Modern electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles: fundamentals, theory, and design
Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Sebastien E. Gay, Ali Emadi, 2004
Modern electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles: fundamentals, theory, and design
Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Sebastien E. Gay, Ali Emadi, 2004
Business Law in Africa: Ohada and the Harmonization Process (Global Market Briefings)
Boris Martor, Nanette Pilkington, David S Sellers, Sebastien Thouvenot, 2007
60 Recipes for Apache CloudStack: Using the CloudStack Ecosystem
Sébastien Goasguen, 2014
Conceptual Structures: From Information to Intelligence: 18th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, July 26-30, 2010. Proceedings
Michel Chein (auth.), Madalina Croitoru, Sébastien Ferré, Dickson Lukose (eds.), 2010
Advances in Cryptology — CRYPTO’ 99: 19th Annual International Cryptology Conference Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 15–19, 1999 Proceedings
Jean-Sébastien Coron, David Naccache, Julien P. Stern (auth.), Michael Wiener (eds.), 1999
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems – CHES 2005: 7th International Workshop, Edinburgh, UK, August 29 – September 1, 2005. Proceedings
William Dupuy, Sébastien Kunz-Jacques (auth.), Josyula R. Rao, Berk Sunar (eds.), 2005
Artificial Evolution: 6th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA 2003, Marseilles, France, October 27-30, 2003, Revised Selected Papers
Michael Defoin Platel, Sebastien Verel, Manuel Clergue, Philippe Collard (auth.), Pierre Liardet, Pierre Collet, Cyril Fonlupt, Evelyne Lutton, Marc Schoenauer (eds.), 2004
Practical Reverse Engineering x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation
Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet, Elias Bachaalany, Sebastien Josse, 2014
Practical Reverse Engineering x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation
Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet, Elias Bachaalany, Sebastien Josse, 2014
Practical reverse engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, reversing tools, and obfuscation
Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet, Elias Bachaalany, Sébastien Josse, 2014
Practical reverse engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, reversing tools, and obfuscation
Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet, Elias Bachaalany, Sébastien Josse, 2014
Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation
Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet, Elias Bachaalany, Sebastien Josse, 2014
Préparation à la certification LPIC-1 : Linux
Sébastien Rohaut
Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2016: 35th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Vienna, Austria, May 8-12, 2016, Proceedings, Part I
Marc Fischlin, Jean-Sébastien Coron (eds.), 2016
Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2016: 35th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Vienna, Austria, May 8-12, 2016, Proceedings, Part II
Marc Fischlin, Jean-Sébastien Coron (eds.), 2016
Advances in Cryptology — CRYPTO’ 99: 19th Annual International Cryptology Conference Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 15–19, 1999 Proceedings
Jean-Sébastien Coron, David Naccache, Julien P. Stern (auth.), Michael Wiener (eds.), 1999