کتاب های S. Fred Singer (eds.)

Draw 50 Animal ’Toons: The Step-by-Step Way to Draw Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fish, and Many, Many More
Lee J. Ames, Bob Singer, 11 Sept 2012
Reality transformed : film as meaning and technique
Singer, Irving, 1999
Ethics in the Real World: 86 Brief Essays on Things that Matter
Peter Singer, 2016
Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle
Dan Senor, Saul Singer, 2009
Trump and me
Singer, Mark;Remnick, David, 2016
A cosa serve la cultura. Quattordici contributi
Furio Colombo, Franco Fabbri, Robert Fisk, Carlos Fuentes, Giulio Giorello, Marc D. Hauser, Tom Holland, Sebastiano Maffettone, Norman Manea, Pier Aldo Rovatti, Peter Singer, Victor I. Stoichita, Salvatore Veca, Howard Zinn, 2020
The Ethics of Killing Animals
Tatjana Visak, Robert Garner, Peter Singer, 2015
O lulismo em crise: Um quebra-cabeça do período Dilma (2011-2016)
André Singer, 2018
Examples & Explanations for Criminal Law
Richard G. Singer, 2018
Anthropology of Infectious Disease
Merrill Singer, 2014
Introducing Medical Anthropology: A Discipline in Action
Merrill Singer; Hans Baer; Debbi Long; Alex Pavlotski, 2019
Windows 10 for Enterprise Administrators: Modern Administrators' guide based on Redstone 3 version
Jeff Stokes, Manuel Singer, Richard Diver, 2017
Windows 10 for Enterprise Administrators: Modern Administrators' guide based on Redstone 3 version
Jeff Stokes, Manuel Singer, Richard Diver, 2017
Animal rights and human obligations
Tom Regan; Peter Singer, 1976
In Defense of Animals
Peter Singer, 1986
Handbook of Cultural Factors in Behavioral Health: A Guide for the Helping Professional
Lorraine T. Benuto; Frances R. Gonzalez; Jonathan Singer, 2020
Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering
Forrest Shull (editor), Janice Singer (editor), Dag I. K. Sjøberg (editor), 2007
A Clear and Present Danger: Narcissism in the Era of Donald Trump
Jean Shinoda Bolen; Clarissa Pinkola Estés; Nathan Schwartz-Salant; James Hollis; Thomas Singer; Kathryn Madden; Susan Rowland; Nancy Swift Furlotti, 2016
Cognitive Biases in Health and Psychiatric Disorders: Neurophysiological Foundations
Tatjana Aue (editor), Hadas Okon-Singer (editor), 2020
פֿון אַ װעלט װאָס איז נישטאָ מער Fun A Velt Vos Iz Nishto Mer
ישראל יהושע זינגער Israel Joshua Singer, 1946
Singer & Monaghan's cervical and lower genital tract precancer : diagnosis and treatment
Khan, Ashfaq M.; Singer, Albert, 2014