کتاب های Saint Gregory (of Nazianzus)

The Cappadocian Mothers : deification exemplified in the writings of Basil, Gregory, and Gregory
Bishop of Caesarea / approximately 329-379 Basil / Saint; Saint Gregory / of Nazianzus; Saint / approximately 335-approximately 394 Gregory / of Nyssa; Sunberg, Carla D., 2017
The Cappadocian Mothers : deification exemplified in the writings of Basil, Gregory, and Gregory
Bishop of Caesarea / approximately 329-379 Basil / Saint; Saint Gregory / of Nazianzus; Saint / approximately 335-approximately 394 Gregory / of Nyssa; Sunberg, Carla D., 2017
Three Poems: Concerning His Own Affairs, Concerning Himself and the Bishops, Concerning His Own Life
by Gregory of Nazianzus, Saint (Author), Denis Molaise Meehan (Translator), 1987
Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera: versio Armeniaca I: Orationes II, XII, IX
Saint Gregory (of Nazianzus), Gregorius Nazianzenus, B. Coulie (ed), 1994
Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera: versio Armeniaca I: Orationes II, XII, IX
Saint Gregory (of Nazianzus), Gregorius Nazianzenus, B. Coulie (ed), 1994