کتاب های Sandra L. Wong (eds.)

The Cambridge Handbook of Lifespan Development of Creativity
Sandra W. Russ (editor), 2021
Canadian Organizational Behaviour
Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa, Sandra Steen, 2020
Sustainable Business Management and Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID Era
Marko Mihić, Sandra Jednak, Gordana Savić, 2022
Soft Governance in Hard Politics: European Coordination of Anti-Poverty Policies in France and Germany
Sandra Kröger (auth.), 2009
Try to Remember—Never Forget: Memoirs of Holocaust Survivor Ruth Goldschmiedova Sax
Sandra Scheller, 2018
Cómo realizamos la caracterización sociolingüística y psicolingüística de la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (EIB)
Edinson Huamancayo, Vidal Carbajal Solís, Rocío Mamani, Manuel Grández, Elena Burga, Nora Delgado, Sandra Robilliard, Rossanna Bartra, Melquiades Quintasi, Fernando García, Mabel Mori, Marleny Rodríguez, Flor Cárdenas, Ana Mamani, Ricardo Gonzales, Napoleón Chimanga, Francisco Roña Córdova, Omar Cavero, Javier Ugaz, 2016
10 Time Management Choices That Can Change Your Life
Sandra Felton; Marsha Sims, 2021
Political guidelines and approaches of Peruvian foreign policy in the new 21st-century order (on the bicentennial of the MRE)
Fabián Novak, Sandra Namihas, 2022
Pasiones y obsesiones: Secretos del oficio de escribir
Sandra Lorenzano, 2013
La democracia latinoamericana en crisis. Antimodelos y tendencias autoritarias
Fabián Novak, Sandra Namihas, 2022
The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World
Sandra Maria Van Opstal, 2015
Plain Beautiful: The Life of Peggy Ann Garner
Sandra Grabman, 2021
Lineamientos y aristas de la política exterior peruana en el nuevo orden del siglo XXI (A propósito del bicentenario del MRE)
Fabián Novak, Sandra Namihas, 2022
Verdwaald in de nacht
Sandra Berg
The fire outside my window: a survivor tells the true story of California's epic cedar fire
Sandra Millers Younger, 2013
The Ultimate Detox 2-week deep cleansing diet , get your aura shining ( Dr Sandra Cabot MD author of Liver Cleansing Diet )
Sandra Cabot M.D., Margaret Jasinska ND, 2005