کتاب های Sandra L. Wong (eds.)

1,000 Ideas for Decorating Cupcakes, Cookies & Cakes
Sandra Salamony, Gina M. Brown, 2010
Active Labor Market Policies in Europe: Performance and Perspectives
Jochen Kluve, David Card, Michael Fertig, Marek Góra, Lena Jacobi, Peter Jensen, Reelika Leetmaa, Leonhard Nima, Eleonora Patacchini, Sandra Schaffner, Christoph M. Schmidt, Bas van der Klaauw, Andrea Weber, 2007
Active Labor Market Policies in Europe: Performance and Perspectives
Jochen Kluve, David Card, Michael Fertig, Marek Gora, Lena Jacobi, Peter Jensen, Reelika Leetmaa, Leonhard Nima, Eleonora Patacchini, Sandra Schaffner, Christoph M. Schmidt, Bas van der Klaauw, Andrea Weber, 2007
Active Labor Market Policies in Europe: Performance and Perspectives
Dr. Jochen Kluve, David Card, Michael Fertig, Marek Góra, Lena Jacobi, Peter Jensen, Reelika Leetmaa, Leonhard Nima, Eleonora Patacchini, Sandra Schaffner, Christoph M. Schmidt, Bas van der Klaauw, Andrea Weber (auth.), 2007
Experiencing the Kabbalah: A Simple Guide to Spiritual Wholeness
Chic Cicero, Sandra Tabatha Cicero, 1997
Tarot Talismans: Invoke the Angels of the Tarot
Sandra Tabatha Cicero, Chic Cicero, 2006
The Golden Dawn Journal: Book I, Divination
Chic Cicero, Sandra Tabatha Cicero, 1995
The Golden Dawn Journal: Book IV,The Magical Pantheons
Chic Cicero, Sandra Tabatha Cicero, 1998
The Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind and Magic
Israel Regardie, Chic Cicero, Sandra Tabatha Cicero, 2004
The Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind and Magic
Israel Regardie, Chic Cicero, Sandra Tabatha Cicero, 2002
The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot: Keys to the Rituals, Symbolism, Magic and Divination
Chic Cicero, Sandra Tabatha Cicero, 1997
The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot: Keys to the Rituals, Symbolism, Magic and Divination (Llewellyn’s New Age Tarot Series)
Chic Cicero, Sandra Tabatha Cicero, 1996
Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal: A Systems Approach
James W. H. McCord, Sandra L. McCord, 2005
Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal: A Systems Approach (West Legal Studies)
James W. H. (James W. H. McCordJ.D.) McCord, Sandra L. McCord, 2005
A Handbook of Corporate Communication and Public Relations
Sandra Oliver, 2004
Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind
V. S. Ramachandran, Sandra Blakeslee, Oliver Sacks, 1998
Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind
V. S. Ramachandran, Sandra Blakeslee, Oliver Sacks, 1998
Political Research: Methods and Practical Skills
Sandra Halperin and Oliver Heath, 2012
Hiding making - showing creation : the studio from Turner to Tacita Dean
Lehmann, Sophie-Ann; Esner, Rachel; Kisters, Sandra, 2013
Building Scientific Apparatus
John H. Moore, Christopher C. Davis, Michael A. Coplan, Sandra C. Greer, 2009
An Introduction to IMS: Your Complete Guide to IBM Information Management System
Barbara Klein, Richard Alan Long, Kenneth Ray Blackman, Diane Lynne Goff, Stephen Paul Nathan, Moira McFadden Lanyi, Margaret M. Wilson, John Butterweck, Sandra L. Sherrill, 2012
An Introduction to IMS: Your Complete Guide to IBM Information Management System
Barbara Klein, Richard Alan Long, Kenneth Ray Blackman, Diane Lynne Goff, Stephen Paul Nathan, Moira McFadden Lanyi, Margaret M. Wilson, John Butterweck, Sandra L. Sherrill, 2012