کتاب های Sandrine Et Al.

Lexical Pragmatics and Theory of Mind: The Acquisition of Connectives
Sandrine Zufferey, 2010
The Wollstonecraftian Mind
Sandrine Bergès, Eileen Hunt Botting, Alan Coffee, 2019
The Wollstonecraftian Mind
Sandrine Bergès, Eileen Hunt Botting, Alan Coffee, 2019
Barbazo Mathématiques Spécialité terminales - Livre élève - Ed. 2020 (Mathématiques (Barbazo)) (French Edition)
Eric Barbazo, Jean-Baptiste Devynck, Dominique Grihon, Pierre Grihon, Benoît Lafargue, Philippe Le Poezeller, Sébastien Maimaran, Anne Malibert, Corinne Ondriozola, Florence Picart, Laurent Piccinini, Christophe Barnet, Sandrine Pollet, Catherine Racadot, Denis Roumilhac, Karine Sermanson, Chloé Ubéra, Martial Baheux, Nadine Billa, Aline Bouget, Michel Bourguet, Nadine Castagnos, Maïna Cigana, Amélie Daniel, 2020
Nothing But Dust
Collette, Sandrine; Anderson, Alison;; Alison Anderson, 2018
Misinformation in Referenda
Sandrine Baume (editor), Véronique Boillet (editor), Vincent Martenet (editor), 2020
Introduction to Experimental Linguistics
Christelle Gillioz, Sandrine Zufferey, 2021
Das Elend der Welt. Zeugnisse und Diagnosen alltäglichen Leidens an der Gesellschaft
Pierre Bourdieu, Alain Accardo, Gabrielle Balazs, Stéphane Beaud, Emmanuel Bourdieu, Sylvain Broccolichi, Patrick Champagne, Rosine Christin, Jean-Pierre Faguer, Sandrine Garcia, Remi Lenoir, Françoise Œuvrard, Michel Pialoux, Louis Pinto, Denis Podalydès, Abdelmalek Sayad, Charles Soulié, Loïc J.D. Wacquant, 2017
The Faces and Stakes of Brand Insertion
Sandrine Villers (editor), Sébastien Lefait (editor), 2021
Avez-vous une bonne mémoire? : tests, conseils et exercices pour s'améliorer
Sandrine Coussinoux, Dominique Imbert, Natacha Quintard, Hélène Matteau, Benoît Lavoie, 2004
Urban Politics After Apartheid
Sandrine Gukelberger, 2018
Planning In Cold War Europe Competition, Cooperation, Circulations (1950s-1970s)
Michel Christian , Sandrine Kott and Ondrej Matejka, 2018
East European Jews in Switzerland
Tamar Lewinsky (editor), Sandrine Mayoraz (editor), 2013
The Routledge Handbook of Experimental Linguistics
Sandrine Zufferey (editor); Pascal Gygax (editor), 2023
The Ethics and Poetics of Alterity: New Perspectives on Genre Literature
Maylis Rospide; Sandrine Sorlin, 2015
The Paradoxes of Ignorance in Early Modern England and France
Sandrine Parageau, 2023
Beyond Memory: Can We Really Learn From the Past? (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies)
Sarah Gensburger, Sandrine Lefranc, 2020
Fabriques de l'insécurité (French Edition)
Sandrine Roux, Sathya Rao, Anastasia Menzel, Christelle Fourlon, Jean-Baptiste Dussert, Marianne Borie, François Laruelle, 2007
Fabriques de l'insécurité (French Edition)
Sandrine Roux, Sathya Rao, Anastasia Menzel, Christelle Fourlon, Jean-Baptiste Dussert, Marianne Borie, François Laruelle, 2007
Compromises in Democracy
Sandrine Baume, Stephanie Novak, 2020
Calligraphie: de nombreux abecedaires a broder aux points de croix
Isabelle Contreau, Sandrine Fuseau, 2001