کتاب های Sara Boin Webb

La convivencia escolar en positivo: Mediación y resolución de conflictos
Sara Ibarrola-García, Concha Iriarte Redín
Living (Il)legalities in Brazil: Practices, Narratives and Institutions in a Country on the Edge
Sara Brandellero (editor), Derek Pardue (editor), Georg Wink (editor), 2020
Manifest Destiny 2.0: Genre Trouble in Game Worlds
Sara Humphreys, 2021
The King of Bangkok
Claudio Sopranzetti, Sara Fabbri, Chiara Natalucci, 2021
Parallel Public: Experimental Art in Late East Germany
Sara Blaylock, 2022
The Cinematic Superhero as Social Practice
Joseph Zornado, Sara Reilly, 2021
Drop the Rock: Removing Character Defects - Steps Six and Seven
Bill P.; Todd W.; Sara S., 2009
Pandemic and Crisis Discourse: Communicating COVID-19 and Public Health Strategy
Andreas Musolff (editor), Ruth Breeze (editor), Kayo Kondo (editor), Sara Vilar-Lluch (editor), 2022
Phenomenology As Critique: Why Method Matters
Andreea Smaranda Aldea (editor), David Carr (editor), Sara Heinmaa (editor), 2022
LGBTQI Digital Media Activism and Counter-Hate Speech in Italy
Sara Gabai, 2022
The Paradise Bank
Edwin Green, Sara Kinsey, 2018
Global Nuclear Order
Sara Z. Kutchesfahani, 2018
The Donbass Cowboy: A War Journal
Russell Bonner Bentley, Pete Nash (editor), Sara Meger (editor), Diana Thoresen (editor), 2021
Cambridge Mathematics GOLD NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Year 10
Stuart Palmer, David Greenwood, Sara Woolley, Jenny Goodman, Jennifer Vaughan, Karen McDaid, 2018
Sh!t Theatre,; Sara Sams; Bojan Louis; Kat Arney, 2018
The Future of Global Competition: Ontological Security and Narratives in Chinese, Iranian, Russian, and Venezuelan Media
Robert Hinck, Asya Cooley, Skye C. Cooley, Sara Kitsch, 2021
Political Engagement of the Young in Europe: Youth in the Crucible
Peter Thijssen; Jessy Siongers; Jeroen van Laer; Jacques Haers; Sara Mels, 2015
La comida como cultura
María Matarazzo, (autora), Nikolái Ivánovich Vavilov, William Mitchell, Melvyn Goldstein, Cynthia Beall, Silvestre Silva, Helena Tassara, Lin Yutang, Nicola Zingarelli, Ada Boni, Mariella Balbi, Fernando Cabieses, Sara Beatriz Guardia, Josie Sison, Nicolás Puga, Tu Xi, 2010
Liminal Subjects: Weaving (Our) Liberation
Sara C. Motta, 2018
Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications
Jeremy Munday, Sara Ramos Pinto, Jacob Blakesley, 2022