کتاب های Sara Méndez De Roj

Inreʼ in cucuʼ
Sara Méndez de Roj, 1999
Kaʼnaʼ leer pa kachʼabʼal
Gretchen Cheney, Sara Méndez de Roj, José Cruz Piche, 1999
Jun cuento chirij ri juyuʼ chomínix
Sara Méndez de Roj, Donald Cheney, José Cruz Piche, 2001
Inreʼ in quien
Sara Méndez de Roj, 1999
The Moscow Rules: The Secret CIA Tactics That Helped America Win the Cold War
Antonio J. Mendez, Jonna Mendez, 21 May 2019
CRC concise encyclopedia of nanotechnology
Kharisov, Boris I.; Kharissova, Oxana Vasilievna; Ortiz Méndez, Ubaldo, 2015
A Practical Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using LISP
Luis Argüelles Mendez (auth.), 2016
A New Approach of Sediment Transport in the Design and Operation of Irrigation Canals (Unesco-Ihe Lecture Note Series)
Herman Depeweg, Nestor Mendez V., 2006
A new approach to sediment transport in the design and operation of irrigation canals
Méndez V., Néstor J.; Depeweg, Herman, 2007
Specialty Optical Fibers Handbook
Alexis Mendez, T. F. Morse, 2007
Specialty Optical Fibers Handbook
Alexis Méndez, T.F. Morse, 2007
Specialty Optical Fibers Handbook
Alexis Mendez (Editor), T. F. Morse (Editor), 2007
Advances in Artificial Intelligence – IBERAMIA 2012: 13th Ibero-American Conference on AI, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, November 13-16, 2012. Proceedings
Vinicius Oliverio, Estevam R. Hruschka Jr. (auth.), Juan Pavón, Néstor D. Duque-Méndez, Rubén Fuentes-Fernández (eds.), 2012
Argo : How the CIA and Hollywood Pulled Off the Most Audacious Rescue in History
Mendez, Antonio J.; Baglio, Matt, 2012
Physics and Applications of Quantum Wells and Superlattices
L. Esaki (auth.), E. E. Mendez, K. von Klitzing (eds.), 1988
Doenças de Ruminantes e Eqüinos
Accuracy and Fuzziness. A Life in Science and Politics: A Festschrift book to Enric Trillas Ruiz
Luis Argüelles Méndez (auth.), 2015
Fundamentos de economía
José Silvestre Méndez Morales, 2005
Master of Disguise: My Secret Life in the CIA
Antonio J. Mendez, 2002
What's your problem? : identifying and solving the five types of process problems
Castañeda-Méndez, 2013
Understanding statistics and statistical myths : how to become a profound learner
Castañeda-Méndez, 2016