کتاب های Sarah Heid

Change Management Excellence: Using the Four Intelligences for Successful Organizational Change
Sarah Cook, Steve Macaulay, 2004
Options Trading: The Hidden Reality
Charles M Cottle, Charles M Cottle, Sarah E Cottle, 2006
Options Trading: The Hidden Reality Options: Perception and Deception & "Coulda Woulda Shoulda
Charles M Cottle, Charles M Cottle, Sarah E Cottle, 2006
Advances in Multimedia Modeling: 13th International Multimedia Modeling Conference, MMM 2007, Singapore, January 9-12, 2007. Proceedings, Part I
Sarah De Bruyne, Wesley De Neve, Koen De Wolf, Davy De Schrijver, Piet Verhoeve (auth.), Tat-Jen Cham, Jianfei Cai, Chitra Dorai, Deepu Rajan, Tat-Seng Chua, Liang-Tien Chia (eds.), 2006
Belly Dancing Basics
Laura Cooper, Sarah Skinner, 2004
Buddhism for Mothers of Young Children: Becoming a Mindful Parent
Sarah Napthali, 2010
Buddhism for Mothers: A Calm Approach to Caring for Yourself and Your Children
Sarah Napthali, 2003
100 Habits of Successful Graphic Designers: Insider Secrets from Top Designers on Working Smart and Staying Creative
Josh Berger, Sarah Dougher, Plazm, 2005
365 Habits of Successful Graphic Designers: Insider Secrets from Top Designers on Working Smart and Staying Creative
Laurel Saville, Joshua Berger, Steve Gordon Jr., Sarah Dougher, 2011
Boyology: A Teen Girl's Crash Course in All Things Boy
Keri Smith, Sarah O'Leary Burningham, 2009
Communication Best Practices at Dell, General Electric, Microsoft, and Monsanto
Donald P. Cushman, Sarah Sanderson King, Ted J. Smith III, William C. Adams, 2003
Flora of Tropical East Africa - Alliaceae (2003)
Sarah Smith, Jonathan Stansbie, 2003
Health Care Evaluation (Understanding Public Health)
Sarah Smith, Don Sinclair, Rosalind Raine, Barnaby Reeves, 2005
Horse and Stable Management Incorporating Horse Care: Incorporating Horse Care
Jeremy Houghton Brown, Vincent Powell-Smith, Sarah Pilliner, 2000
Information Processign in Cells and Tissues: 9th International Conference, IPCAT 2012, Cambridge, UK, March 31 – April 2, 2012. Proceedings
Michael A. Lones (ed.), Stephen L. Smith (ed.), Sarah Teichmann (ed.), Felix Naef (ed.), James A. Walker (ed.), Martin A. Trefzer (ed.), 2012
Information Processign in Cells and Tissues: 9th International Conference, IPCAT 2012, Cambridge, UK, March 31 – April 2, 2012. Proceedings
Michael A. Lones (ed.), Stephen L. Smith (ed.), Sarah Teichmann (ed.), Felix Naef (ed.), James A. Walker (ed.), Martin A. Trefzer (ed.), 2012
Learning Landscape Ecology: A Practical Guide to Concepts and Techniques
Robert V. O’Neill, Mark A. Smith (auth.), Sarah E. Gergel, Monica G. Turner (eds.), 2002
New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird
Neil Gaiman, China Mieville, CaitlinR. Kiernan, Sarah Monette, Kim Newman, Cherie Priest, MichaelMarshall Smith, Charles Stross, Rafael Tavares, 2011
New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird
Neil Gaiman, China Mieville, CaitlinR. Kiernan, Sarah Monette, Kim Newman, Cherie Priest, MichaelMarshall Smith, Charles Stross, Rafael Tavares, 2011
Nursing in General Practice: A foundation text
Jacqueline Mansfield (auth.), Sarah Luft BSc(Hons), RGN, NDN, Milly Smith MSc, RGN, QN (eds.), 1994
Oxford American Handbook of Geriatric Medicine (Oxford American Handbooks)
Samuel Durso, Lesley Bowker, James Price, Sarah Smith, 2010
Oxford handbook of geriatric medicine
Lesley K Bowker; James D Price, (Physician); Sarah C Smith, (Physician), 2012
Real Estate Appraisal: From Value to Worth
Sarah Sayce, Judy Smith, Richard Cooper, Piers Venmore-Rowland, 2006