کتاب های Sean Anthony

Christianity and the Transformation of the Book: Origen, Eusebius, and the Library of Caesarea
Anthony Grafton, Megan Williams, 2008
Christianity and the Transformation of the Book: Origen, Eusebius, and the Library of Caesarea
Anthony Grafton, Megan Williams, 2006
Christianity and the transformation of the book: Origen, Eusebius, and the library of Caesarea
Anthony Grafton, Megan Hale Williams, 2006
A Basic History of Art
H. W. Janson, Anthony F. Janson, 1992
Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies: Investigations in homage to Gideon Toury
Anthony Pym, Miriam Shlesinger, Daniel Simeoni, 2008
Breastfeeding handbook for physicians
LeTourneau, Anthony Alex, 2014
1 & 2 Thessalonians Through the Centuries (Blackwell Bible Commentaries)
Anthony C. Thiselton, 2010
1 and 2 Thessalonians Through the Centuries (Blackwell Bible Commentaries)
Anthony C. Thiselton, 2011
A Testimony of Jesus Christ: A Commentary on the Book of Revelation, Vol. 1
Anthony C. Garland, 2007
Picturing the apocalypse : the book of Revelation in the arts over two millennia
O'Hear, Anthony; O'Hear, Natasha, 2015
Blast Injury Science and Engineering: A Guide for Clinicians and Researchers
Anthony M. J. Bull, 2016
Tachdjian’s Pediatric Orthopaedics
John Anthony Herring (ed.), 2014
Paul Anthony Atkinson, 2003
Coffee and Democracy in Modern Costa Rica
Anthony Winson (auth.), 1989
Interior Design: Conceptual Basis
Anthony Sully (auth.), 2015
Web Mining: Applications and Techniques
Anthony Scime, 2004
Web Mining:: Applications and Techniques
Anthony Scime, 2004
Class and Hierarchy: The Social Meaning of Occupations
Anthony P. M. Coxon, 1979
Signal Averaged Electrocardiography: Concepts, Methods and Applications
J. Anthony Gomes (auth.), 1993
Approximate Iterative Algorithms
Anthony Almudevar, 2014
Approximate iterative algorithms
Anthony Almudevar, 2014
5-Phasen-Methode der Markenbewertung: Ein systematischer Leitfaden zur ganzheitlichen Bewertung von Marken
Anthony Holtz (auth.), 2012
A Clockwork Orange (Penguin Modern Classics)
Anthony Burgess, 2006