کتاب های Sean Weaver

Living Legislation: Durability, Change, and the Politics of American Lawmaking
William J. Novak; Jeffrey E. Cohen; Matthew Eshbaugh-Soha; Sean Gailmard; Christopher R. Berry; Barry C. Burden; William G. Howell; Forrest Maltzman; Charles R. Shipan; Amihai Glazer; David E. Lewis; Stuart Chinn; Vesla M. Weaver; David R. Mayhew; Sidney M. Milkis, 2012
A World In A Grain Of Sand: The Clairvoyance Of Stefan Ossowiecki
Ian Stevenson and Zofia Weaver Mary Rose Barrington, 2005
All Is Clouded by Desire: Global Banking, Money Laundering, and International Organized Crime
Alan A. Block, Constance A. Weaver, 2004
Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles Standards and technologies for controlling emissions
Asif Faiz, Christopher S. Weaver, Michael P. Walsh, 1996
Adaptive Structures: Engineering Applications
David Wagg, Ian Bond, Paul Weaver, Michael Friswell, 2007
Food Chemistry Laboratory: A Manual for Experimental Foods
Connie M. Weaver, James R. Daniel, 2003
Finance and accounting for nonfinancial managers
Samuel Weaver, J. Fred Weston, 2001
Hard Choices: Climate Change in Canada
Harold Coward, Andrew J. Weaver, 2004
Hard Choices: Climate Change in Canada
Harold Coward, Andrew J. Weaver, 2004
Beginning J2EE 1.4: From Novice to Professional (Apress Beginner Series)
James L. Weaver, Kevin Mukhar, 2004
America's Midlife Crisis: The Future of a Troubled Superpower
Gary R. Weaver, Adam Mendelson, 2008
Mathematical theory of communication
Claude E Shannon, Warren Weaver, Shannon, 1998
The Mathematical Theory of Communication
Claude E Shannon, Warren Weaver, 1963
The Mathematical Theory of Communication
Claude E Shannon, Warren Weaver, 1963
The Mathematical Theory of Communication
Claude E Shannon, Warren Weaver
High Performance Computing Systems and Applications
John W. D. Connolly (auth.), Andrew Pollard, Douglas J. K. Mewhort, Donald F. Weaver (eds.), 2002
Educating from the Heart: Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Transforming Education
Aostre N. Johnson, Marilyn Webb Neagley, Sara Caldwell, Auriel Gray, Tobin Hart, Deb Higgins, Paul D. Houston, JacquelineKaufman , Joyce Kemp, Rachael Kessler, Madelyn Nash, Peter Perkins, Anthony R.Quintiliani, Donald Tinney, Deborah Thomsen-Taylor, Jessica Toulis, Ann Trousdale, Laura Weaver, SueWood, 2011
Shale-Slate Metamorphism in Southern Appalachians
CHARLES E. WEAVER (Eds.), 1984
Bioarchaeological Studies of Life in the Age of Agriculture: A View from the Southeast
Patricia M. Lambert, Keith Jacobi, David C. Weaver, Debra L. Gold, Clark Spencer Larsen, Dale L. Hutchinson, Mary Lucas Powell, Mark R. Schurr, Lisa Sattenspiel, Marianne Reeves, Matthew A. Williamson, Leslie Sering, Margaret J. Schoeninger, Elizabeth I. Monahan, Lynette Norr, Patricia S. Bridges, 2000
Bioarchaeological Studies of Life in the Age of Agriculture: A View from the Southeast
Patricia M. Lambert, Keith P. Jacobi, David C. Weaver, Debra L. Gold, Clark Spencer Larsen, Dale L. Hutchinson, Mary Lucas Powell, Mark R. Schurr, Lisa Sattenspiel, Marianne Reeves, Matthew A. Williamson, Leslie Sering, Margaret J. Schoeninger, Elizabeth I. Monahan, Lynette Norr, Patricia S. Bridges, 2000
A Baker's Guide to Chocolate: A Collection of Recipes and Useful Information
Dennis Weaver, 2014