کتاب های Shepherd

Cybill Disobedience
Cybill Shepherd, 2000
The fifteen decisive battles of the world from Marathon to Waterloo
Edward Shepherd Creasy, 1908
Christianity and Human Rights: Christians and the Struggle for Global Justice
Frederick M. Shepherd, 2009
Energy Studies
William Shepherd, 2003
A Course in Theoretical Physics
P. J. SHEPHERD(auth.)
From Lemons to Lemonade: Squeeze Every Last Drop of Success Out of Your Mistakes
Dean A. Shepherd, 2009
Cholesterol Transport Systems and Their Relation to Atherosclerosis
J. Shepherd, 1989
Electricity Generation Using Wind Power
William Shepherd, 2011
From Bombay To Bushire And Bussora: Including An Account Of The Present State Of Persia And Notes On The Persian War
William Ashton Shepherd, 2007
Control of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems in Health and Disease
John T. Shepherd (auth.), 1995
Excel 2007 VBA Macro Programming
Richard Shepherd, 2010
Inside Atl
George Shepherd, 1999
Multilevel English grammar programme: Level 2 Student's Book
John Shepherd, 1995
Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming
Richard Shepherd, 2010
Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming
Shepherd, 2011
Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Programming Step by Step
George Shepherd, 2005
Donna Walsh Shepherd, 1994
Second-Order Methods for Neural Networks: Fast and Reliable Training Methods for Multi-Layer Perceptrons
Adrian J. Shepherd BA, 1997
Programming with Microsoft Visual C++ NET
George Shepherd, 2002
Experience, Inference and God
John J. Shepherd (auth.), 1975
Learn Calligraphy: The Complete Book of Lettering and Design
Margaret Shepherd, 2001
Cardiovascular Disease: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms, Prevention, and Treatment
James Shepherd, 1988
Monoclonal Antibodies: A Practical Approach
Philip S. Shepherd, 2000