کتاب های Sher Ali

Miss You Love You Hate You Bye
Abby Sher
Re-take of Amrita
Vivan Sundaram; Umrao Singh Sher-Gil, 2001
Equality for Inegalitarians
George Sher, 2014
A Wild West of the Mind
George Sher, 2021
An Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics: Consultancy Research and Training
David Lawlor, Mannie Sher, 2021
The Ethics Of Social Punishment: The Enforcement Of Morality In Everyday Life
Linda Radzik, Christopher Bennett, Glen Pettigrove, George Sher, 2020
Between Ideals and Reality: A Critique of Socialism and its Future
Svetozar Stojanovic; Gerson S. Sher, 1973
Concepts for Bass Soloing
Chuck Sher, Marc Johnson, 2005
The Improviser's Bass Method: For Electric & Acoustic Bass
Chuck Sher, 1979
The Latin Bass Book
Oscar Stagnaro, Chuck Sher, 2001
Walking Bassics
Ed Fuqua, Chuck Sher (editor), 2008
Sovereign Women in a Muslim Kingdom: The Sultanahs of Aceh, 1641–1699
Sher Banu A. L. Khan, 2017
Spoiling and Coping With Spoilers: Israeli-Arab Negotiations
Galia Golan; Gilead Sher, 2019
Aging in Post-Mao China: The Politics of Veneration
Ada Elizabeth Sher, 2019
Physics and Properties of Narrow Gap Semiconductors
Junhao Chu, Arden Sher (auth.), 2008
The North Star: Canada and the Civil War Plots Against Lincoln
Julian Sher, 2023
Handbook of Neuroevolution Through Erlang
Gene I. Sher, 2012
Suicidal Behavior in Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Dependence
Leo Sher; Alexander Vilens, 2010
Advanced Biosignal Processing
Amine Naït-Ali, Patrick Karasinski (auth.), Amine Nait-Ali (eds.), 2009
Active Media Technology: 7th International Conference, AMT 2011, Lanzhou, China, September 7-9, 2011. Proceedings
Ali Ghorbani (auth.), Ning Zhong, Vic Callaghan, Ali A. Ghorbani, Bin Hu (eds.), 2011
Nanocomposite thin films and coatings: processing, properties and performance
Sam Zhang, Nasar Ali, Sam Zhang, Nasar Ali, 2007