کتاب های Shih Chii Liu

Теория струй
Бай Ши-и.(Shih-i Pai), 1960
Турбулентное течение жидкостей и газов
Бай Ши-и.(Shih-i Pai), 1962
MAO — The Mother of all Amine Oxidases
J. C. Shih Ph.D., 1998
Mao-A Young Man from the Yangtze Valley
Bernadette P. N. Shih, 1974
Navigating Sovereignty: World Politics Lost in China
Chih-yu Shih (auth.), 2003
Negotiating Ethnicity in China: Citizenship as a Response to the State
Chih-yu Shih, 2002
Photochemistry and Photobiology of Nucleic Acids. Biology
Shih Yi Wang (Eds.), 1976
Photochemistry and Photobiology of Nucleic Acids. Chemistry
Shih-Yi Wang (Eds.), 1976
Principles of gas-solid flows
Liang-Shih Fan, 1998
Principles of Gas-Solid Flows (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
Liang-Shih Fan, 1998
Radiation Gas Dynamics
Shih-I Pai (auth.), 1966
Sinicizing International Relations: Self, Civilization, and Intellectual Politics in Subaltern East Asia
Chih-yu Shih (auth.), 2013
The morphosyntax-phonology connection : locality and directionality at the interface
Gribanova, Vera; Shih, Stephanie S, 2017
Representations of China in British Children’s Fiction, 1851-1911
Shih-Wen Chen, 2013
Digital Technology and Journalism: An International Comparative Perspective
Jingrong Tong, Shih-Hung Lo (eds.), 2017
Development of an online blast furnace burden profile measuring system
Chen-Yuan Lu, Shan-Wen Du, Shih-Kang Kuo, 2010
Civilization, Nation and Modernity in East Asia
Chih-Yu Shih, 2012
Civilization, Nation and Modernity in East Asia
Chih-Yu Shih, 2012
Geometric and Electronic Properties of Graphene-Related Systems: Chemical Bonding Schemes
Ngoc Thanh Thuy Tran, Shih-Yang Lin, Chiun-Yan Lin, Ming-Fa Lin, 2018