کتاب های Shimon Even

La Cábala
Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, 1994
Best Matching Theory & Applications
Mohsen Moghaddam, Shimon Y. Nof (auth.), 2017
The wall and the arcade : Walter Benjamins’s metaphysics of translation and its affiliates
Sandbank, Shimon, 2019
The anatomy of fate : Kabbalistic astrology
Halevi, Z’ev ben Shimon, 1978
Deploy Containers on AWS: With EC2, ECS, and EKS
Shimon Ifrah, 2019
İsa'nın Son Günleri
Shimon Gibson, 2010
The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles
Noam Nisan;Shimon Schocken;, 2021
The Elements of Computing Systems : Building a Modern Computer from First Principles
Noam Nisan, Shimon Schocken, 2021
Uniform Civil Code for India: Proposed Blueprint for Scholarly Discourse
Shimon Shetreet, Hiram E. Chodosh, 2015
Nature Loves to Hide: Quantum Physics and Reality; A Western Perspective
Shimon Malin, 2003
What To Do When You Get Hacked: A Practitioner's Guide to Incident Response in the 21st Century
Shimon Brathwaite, 2022
Poetik der Transformation: Paul Celan – Übersetzer und übersetzt
Alfred Bodenheimer (editor), Shimon Sandbank (editor), 1999
Getting Started with Containers in Google Cloud Platform
Shimon Ifrah, 2020
The Consciousness Revolutions: From Amoeba Awareness to Human Emancipation
Shimon Edelman, 2023
The Culture of Judicial Independence in a Globalised World
Shimon Shetreet; Wayne McCormack, 2016
Multi-Objective Decision Making
Diederik M. Roijers, Shimon Whiteson, 2017