کتاب های Shing Tung Yau

Cultural Competence in Clinical Psychiatry (Core Competencies in Psychotherapy)
Wen-Shing Tseng, 2004
Cultural Competence in Health Care
Wen-Shing Tseng, 2008
Cultural Competence in Health Care
Wen-Shing Tseng M.D., 2007
Handbook of Cultural Psychiatry
Wen-Shing Tseng (Editor), 2001
The Mangrove Ecosystem of Deep Bay and the Mai Po Marshes, Hong Kong
Shing-Yip Lee, 1999
Innovations in Smart Learning
Elvira Popescu, Kinshuk, Mohamed Koutheair Khribi, Ronghuai Huang, Mohamed Jemni, Nian-Shing Chen, Demetrios G. Sampson (eds.), 2017
Mangrove Ecosystems: A Global Biogeographic Perspective: Structure, Function, and Services
Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Shing Yip Lee, Erik Kristensen, Robert R. Twilley (eds.), 2017
The Idea of Justice in Literature
Hiroshi Kabashima, Shing-I Liu, Christoph Luetge, Aurelio de Prada García, 2018
Tall Order: The Goh Chok Tong Story
Shing Huei Peh, 2018
Quantitative Trading: Algorithms, Analytics, Data, Models, Optimization
Xin Guo, Tze Leung Lai, Howard Shek, Samuel Po-Shing Wong, 2016
Combinatorial algorithms
Hu T.C., Shing M.T., 2002
詹伯慧 (Zhan Bohui); 張日昇 (Cheung Yat-Shing), 1990
詹伯慧 (Zhan Bohui); 張日昇 (Cheung Yat-Shing), 1987
Mount Wutai: Visions of a Sacred Buddhist Mountain
Wen-Shing Chou, 2018
Symbolic Interaction and New Social Media
Mark D. Johns (ed.), Mark D. Johns (ed.), Shing-Ling Sarina Chen (ed.), Laura Terlip (ed.), 2014
正義理論及其實踐 / Gerechtigkeit - Theorie und Praxis Justice / Theory and Practice // May 25-27, 2009 Taipei, Taiwan
hrsg./ed. Shing-I Liu & Ulfried Neumann, 2009
Heaven and Humans Are One: The Witness of the Chinese Catholic Ministry in a Global Context
Bit-shing Abraham Chiu, 2014
Standing tall: the Goh Chok Tong years, volume 2
Peh, Shing Huei, 2021
Introduction to Thermal Cloaking: Theory and Analysis in Conduction and Convection
Woon-Shing Yeung, Ruey-Jen Yang, 2021
“Yin-Yang” (阴阳) Interplay: A Renewed Formation Program for the Catholic Seminary in China
Bit-shing Abraham Chiu, 2014