کتاب های Shui Rong Zheng

Polymer Matrix Composites and Technology
Ru-Min Wang, Shui-Rong Zheng
海禁的轉折 : 明初東亞沿海國際形勢與鄭和下西洋 /Haijin de zhuanzhe : Mingchu Dongya yanhai guoji xingshi yu Zheng He xia xiyang
Zheng, He; Zheng, Yongchang; Zheng, He, 2011
Collaboration, Learning and Innovation Across Outsourced Services Value Networks: Software Services Outsourcing in China
Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng, Rong Du (auth.), 2014
Injection Molding: Integration of Theory and Modeling Methods
Rong Zheng, 2011
Nanomaterials in Pharmacology
Zheng-Rong Lu, 2016
Nanomaterials in Pharmacology
Zheng-Rong Lu, 2015
Smart electronic systems : heterogeneous integration of silicon and printed electronics
Tenhunen, Hannu; Zheng, Li-Rong; Zou, Zhuo, 2018
Biological Pattern Discovery With R: Machine Learning Approaches
Zheng Rong Yang, 2021
Mountain Geoecology and Sustainable Development of the Tibetan Plateau
Zheng Du, Zhang Qingsong (auth.), Du Zheng, Qingsong Zhang, Shaohong Wu (eds.), 2000
Advances in Machine Vision, Image Processing, and Pattern Analysis: International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Pattern Analysis/Synthesis, IWICPAS 2006 Xi’an, China, August 26-27, 2006 Proceedings
Jianru Xue, Nanning Zheng (auth.), Nanning Zheng, Xiaoyi Jiang, Xuguang Lan (eds.), 2006
Printed Electronics: Materials, Technologies and Applications
Zheng Cui, Chunshan Zhou, Song Qiu, Zheng Chen, Jian Lin, Jianwen Zhao, Changqi Ma, Wenming Su, 2016
Eye Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive TCM Guide for the Discerning Practitioner
Deliang Zheng; Christopher Hao; Zhicheng Zheng
Eye Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive TCM Guide for the Discerning Practitioner
Deliang Zheng; Christopher Hao; Zhicheng Zheng
Zheng Guanying : merchant reformer of late Qing China and his influence on economics, politics, and society
Zheng, Guanying; Wu, Guo; Zheng, Cheng Kuan-ying, 2010
Asian Physics Olympiad: 1st-8th, Problems and Solutions
Zheng Yongling, Zheng Yongling, 2009
Chaos in Electric Drive Systems: Analysis, Control and Application
K. T. Chau, Zheng Wang, 2011
Advances in Electrical Engineering and Electrical Machines
Jerzy Tokarzewski (auth.), Dehuai Zheng (eds.), 2011
Ad Hoc Networks: Second International Conference, ADHOCNETS 2010, Victoria, BC, Canada, August 18-20, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Mohamed Eltoweissy, Stephan Olariu, Mohamed Younis (auth.), Jun Zheng, David Simplot-Ryl, Victor C. M. Leung (eds.), 2010
Wireless Sensor Networks: A Networking Perspective
Jun Zheng, Abbas Jamalipour, 2009
Wireless Sensor Networks: A Networking Perspective
Jun Zheng, Abbas Jamalipour, 2009
Automatic speech recognition on mobile devices and over communication networks
Zheng-Hua Tan BSc, MSc, PhD, Børge Lindberg MSc (auth.), 2008
Introduction to E-commerce (Tsinghua University Texts)
Zheng Qin, 2009
A Practical Programming Model for the Multi-Core Era: 3rd International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2007, Beijing, China, June 3-7, 2007 Proceedings
Eduard Ayguadé, Nawal Copty, Alejandro Duran (auth.), Barbara Chapman, Weiming Zheng, Guang R. Gao, Mitsuhisa Sato, Eduard Ayguadé, Dongsheng Wang (eds.), 2008