کتاب های Simone Pika

Images des dieux de la Gaule
Deyts, Simone, 1992
Diktatoren als Türsteher Europas: Wie die EU ihre Grenzen nach Afrika verlagert
Christian Jakob & Simone Schlindwein, 2017
Internet of Things: Architectures, Protocols and Standards
Simone Cirani; Gianluigi Ferrari; Marco Picone; Luca Veltri, 2018
La femme et l’oiseau aux 18e et 19e siècles dans la littérature, la peinture et la musique
Simone Bernard-Griffiths; Daniel Madelénat, 2011
Il labirinto della parola. Enigmi, oracoli e sogni nella cultura antica
Simone Beta, 2016
Wiring the World: The Social and Cultural Creation of Global Telegraph Networks
Simone M. Müller, 2016
Elettronica analogica. Dispense del corso
Simone Orcioni
The Clinic of Disability: Psychoanalytical Approaches
Simone Korff Sausse, Regine Scelles, Valerie Sinason, 2017
An Introduction to Component-based Software Development
Kung-Kiu Lau, Simone Di Cola, 2016
Photography and Other Media in the Nineteenth Century
Nicoletta Leonardi, Simone Natale, 2018
La Fuente Griega
Simone Weil
Photography and other media in the nineteenth century
Nicoletta Leonardi, Simone Natale, eds., 2018
Horror italiano
Simone Venturini, 2014
Inter-Organizational Culture
Fabiano Larentis, Claudia Simone Antonello, Luiz Antonio Slongo, 2019
Pharmacognosy. Fundamentals, Applications and Strategies
Simone Badal McCreath and Rupika Delgoda (Auth.), 2016
Die jüdisch-christliche Auseinandersetzung unter islamischer Herrschaft: 7.–10. Jahrhundert
Rosenkranz, Simone, 2004
Hä?? Jugendsprache unplugged 2013: Deutsch Englisch Spanisch Französisch
Simone Kohl, 2012
Tokyo Geek’s Guide: Manga, Anime, Gaming, Cosplay, Toys, Idols & More
Gianni Simone, 2017
America Day by Day
Simone de Beauvoir; Carol (Translator) Cosman; Carol Cosman, 1999
L’ospite e il nemico. La grande migrazione e l’Europa
Raffaele Simone, 2018
22 Things a Woman Must Know If She Loves a Man with Asperger’s Syndrome
Rudy Simone, 2009
L’Iliade o il poema della forza
Simone Weil; Francesca Rubini (traduzione), 2012