کتاب های Stefan (editor)

Praxishandbuch Kartellrecht im Unternehmen
Stefan Meßmer (editor); Jochen Bernhard (editor), 2018
Praxishandbuch Kartellrecht im Unternehmen
Stefan Meßmer (editor); Jochen Bernhard (editor), 2014
Padua and Venice: Transcultural Exchange in the Early Modern Age
Brigit Blass-Simmen (editor); Stefan Weppelmann (editor), 2017
Heliodorus Redivivus: Vernetzung Und Interkultureller Kontext in Der Europaischen 'Aithiopika'-Rezeptionder Fruhen Neuzeit
Christian Rivoletti (editor), Stefan Seeber (editor), 2018
Herrschaft und Repräsentation in der Habsburgermonarchie (1700–1740): Die kaiserliche Familie, die habsburgischen Länder und das Reich
Stefan Seitschek (editor); Sandra Hertel (editor), 2020
Cholesterol Crystals in Atherosclerosis and Other Related Diseases (Contemporary Cardiology)
George S. Abela (editor), Stefan Mark Nidorf (editor), 2023
Protein-Protein Interaction Networks: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, 2074)
Stefan Canzar (editor), Francisca Rojas Ringeling (editor), 2019
Granular Gases (Lecture Notes in Physics, 564)
Thorsten Pöschel (editor), Stefan Luding (editor), 2001
Recht und Realität: Festschrift für Christoph Vedder
Stefan Lorenzmeier (editor), Hans-Peter Folz (editor), 2017
Cognitive-behavioral Therapy with Adults: A Guide to Empirically-informed Assessment and Intervention
Stefan Hofmann (editor), 2010
Chemical Genomics: Small Molecule Probes to Study Cellular Function (Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop 58)
Stefan Jaroch (Editor), 2006
The Routledge handbook of Economic Theology
Stefan Schwarzkopf (editor), 2020
L'anima e la forma. Testo tedesco a fronte
Ludwig Klages, Stefan George, Giampiero Moretti (editor), 1995
A Companion to Nineteenth-century Europe: 1789 - 1914
Stefan Berger (editor), 2006
AI for the Good: Artificial Intelligence and Ethics (Management for Professionals)
Stefan H. Vieweg (editor), 2021
AI for the Good: Artificial Intelligence and Ethics (Management for Professionals)
Stefan H. Vieweg (editor), 2021
The Mythology in Our Language: Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Stefan Palmié, Giovanni da Col (editor), 2020
German Minorities in Europe: Ethnic Identity and Cultural Belonging
Stefan Wolff (editor), 2001
Thieme atlas of anatomy. Volume 3. Head, neck, and neuroanatomy
Michael Schünke; Erik Schulte; Udo Schumacher; (Medical Education Consultant) Cristian Stefan (editor), 2020
The Political Sociology of the Welfare State: Institutions, Social Cleavages, and Orientations (Studies in Social Inequality)
Stefan Svallfors (editor), 2007
Immigration in the Circumpolar North: Integration and Resilience
Waliul Hasanat, Jan Brzozowski, Stefan Kirchner, Nafisa Yeasmin (editor), 2021
Gli occhi del fratello eterno. Rachele litiga con Dio
Stefan Zweig, Nada Carli (editor), 1994