کتاب های Stefan Henn

Numerische Strömungsberechnung: Schneller Einstieg durch anschauliche Beispiele mit ANSYS 15.0
Stefan Lecheler (auth.), 2014
Multiagent Engineering: Theory and Applications in Enterprises
Stefan Kirn, 2006
Factor X: Policy, Strategies and Instruments for a Sustainable Resource Use
Stefan Giljum, 2014
Die Tagebücher der Schöpfung. Vom Urknall zum geklonten Menschen
Stefan Klein, 2001
Investitionen in Outsourcing-Beziehungen
Stefan Wielenberg (auth.), 1999
IT-Outsourcing: Neue Herausforderungen im Zeitalter von Cloud Computing
Stefan Diefenbach, 2013
Thermomechanics of Drying Processes
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan J. Kowalski (auth.), 2003
The Architects (European Classics)
Stefan Heym, 2006
Finite mathematics and applied calculus
Stefan Waner, 2011
Icelandic: Grammar, Text and Glossary, 2nd Edition
Stefan Einarsson, 2000
Playbooks and Checkbooks: An Introduction to the Economics of Modern Sports
Stefan Szymanski, 2009
Playbooks and Checkbooks: An Introduction to the Economics of Modern Sports
Stefan Szymanski, 2009
Adiabatic Perturbation Theory in Quantum Dynamics (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Stefan Teufel, 2003
Russian Path Dependence: A People with a Troubled History
Stefan Hedlund, 2005
Intracranial Hypertension (Neurology- Laboratory and Clinical Research Developments)
Stefan Mircea Iencean, 2009
Erfolgsfaktoren der wirtschaftsnahen Forschung
Dr. Stefan Kuhlmann, 1995