کتاب های Stefan Voß (editor)

Poetik Und Intertextualitat Der Johannesapokalypse
Stefan Alkier (editor), Thomas Hieke (editor), Tobias Nicklas (editor), 2015
Bankvertragsrecht. Band 2, Investmentbanking
Authors:Jens-Hinrich Binder (Editor), Stefan Grundmann (Editor), Florian Möslein (Editor), 2021
Parenthetical Verbs
Stefan Schneider (editor); Julie Glikman (editor); Mathieu Avanzi (editor), 2015
The Prayer Rites of Synagogal Worship and their Historical Development: Edited and translated by Stefan C. Reif An English Translation of the German Edition of Berlin 1859
Leopold Zunz (editor); Stefan C. Reif (editor); Renate Egger-Wenzel (editor), 2023
Von Zeitenwenden und Zeitenenden: Reflexion und Konstruktion von Endzeiten und Epochenwenden im Spannungsfeld von Antike und Christentum
Stefan Freund (editor), Meike Rühl (editor), Christoph Schubert (editor), 2015
Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment: Third International Conference, TIDSE 2006, Darmstadt, Germany, December 4-6, 2006 Proceedings
Stefan Göbel (editor), Rainer Malkewitz (editor), Ido Iurgel (editor), 2006
Global Mental Health and Psychotherapy: Adapting Psychotherapy for Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Dan J. Stein (editor), Judith K. Bass (editor), Stefan G. Hofmann (editor), 2019
Object-Based Image Analysis: Spatial Concepts for Knowledge-Driven Remote Sensing Applications (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)
Thomas Blaschke (editor), Stefan Lang (editor), Geoffrey Hay (editor), 2008
Physiologie hoch2
Stefan Gründer (editor), Klaus-Dieter Schlüter (editor), 2019
Hegel's Political Aesthetics: Art in Modern Society
Stefan Bird-Pollan (editor), Vladimir Marchenkov (editor), 2020
Hyblaea avena: Theokrit in römischer Kaiserzeit und Früher Neuzeit
Anne-Elisabeth Beron (editor), Stefan Weise (editor), 2020
Aleppo and Its Hinterland in the Ottoman Period / Alep Et Sa Province À l'Epoque Ottomane Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia
Stefan Winter (Editor), Mafalda Ade (Editor)
IoT – Best Practices: Internet der Dinge, Geschäftsmodellinnovationen, IoT-Plattformen, IoT in Fertigung und Logistik
Stefan Meinhardt (editor), Felix Wortmann (editor), 2021
Creative Technologies for Multidisciplinary Applications
Andy M. Connor (editor), Stefan Marks (editor), 2016
Post- and Transhumanism: An Introduction
Robert Ranisch (editor), Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (editor), 2014
Evolution and the Future: Anthropology, Ethics, Religion- In cooperation with Nikola Grimm
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (editor), Branka-Rista Jovanovic (editor), Nikola Grimm, 2013
From Humanism to Meta-, Post- and Transhumanism?
Irina Deretic (editor), Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (editor), 2015
The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Management
Helmut K. Anheier (editor), Stefan Toepler (editor), 2020
Bolzano's Philosophy of Grounding: Translations and Studies
Stefan Roski (editor), Benjamin Schnieder (editor), 2022
The Force of Labour: The Western European Labour Movement and the Working Class in the Twentieth Century
Stefan Berger (editor), David Broughton (editor), 1995
Die Amerikanischen Gotter: Transatlantische Prozesse in Der Deutschsprachigen Literatur Und Popkultur Seit 1945 (Linguae & Litterae) (German Edition)
Stefan Hoppner (editor), Jorg Kreienbrock (editor), 2015
Scribal Practice and the Global Cultures of Colophons, 1400–1800
Christopher D. Bahl (editor), Stefan Hanß (editor), 2022
Luxury in Global Perspective: Objects and Practices, 1600–2000
Karin Hofmeester (editor), Bernd-Stefan Grewe (editor), 2016
Was ist ein Text?: Alttestamentliche, ägyptologische und altorientalistische Perspektiven
Ludwig Morenz (editor), Stefan Schorch (editor), 2007