کتاب های Stephen Madsen

OpenGL Game Development by Example
Robert Madsen; Stephen Madsen, 2016
The Ring and the Cross: Christianity and the Lord of the Rings
Paul E. Kerry, Nils Ivar Agoy, Bradley J. Birzer, Jason Boffetti, Marjorie Burns, Carson L. Holloway, John R. Holmes, Ronald Hutton, Catherine Madsen, Chris Mooney, Stephen Morillo, Joseph Pearce, Michael Tomko, Ralph C. Wood, 2010
Debating World Literature
Christopher Prendergast, Benedict Anderson, Emily Apter, Stanley Corngold, Nicholas Dew, Simon Goldhill, Stephen Heath, Stefan Hoesel-Uhlig, Peter Madsen, Franco Moretti, Francesca Orsini, Timothy J. Reiss, Bruce Clunies Ross, Elisa Sampson Vera Tudela, John Sturrock, 2004