کتاب های Steven High (editor)

The Routledge Handbook of Memory and Place
Sarah De Nardi (editor), Hilary Orange (editor), Steven High (editor), Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto (editor), 2019
Clinical Exercise Physiology
Jonathan K Ehrman, Paul M. Gordon, Paul S. Visich, Steven J. Keteyian, Dr Jonathan Ehrman (editor), Paul Gordon (editor), Paul Visich (editor), Dr Steven Keteyian (editor), 2018
Cyber Security And Supply Chain Management: Risks, Challenges And Solutions: 0 (Trends, Challenges And Solutions In Contemporary Supply Chain Management): 1
Steven Carnovale, Sengun Yeniyurt, Carnovale (editor), Steven (editor), Yeniyurt (editor), Sengun (editor), 2021
COVID-19 and Social Protection: A Study in Human Resilience and Social Solidarity
Steven Ratuva (editor), Tara Ross (editor), Yvonne Crichton-Hill (editor), Arindam Basu (editor), Patrick Vakaoti (editor), Rosemarie Martin-Neuninger (editor), 2022
Critical Reflections on ICT and Education: Selected Papers from the HKAECT 2023 International Conference
Anna Wing Bo TSO (editor), Wendy Wing Lam CHAN (editor), Steven Kwan Keung NG (editor), Tiffany Shurui BAI (editor), Noble Po Kan LO (editor), 2023
Dialysis Access Management
Steven Wu (editor), Sanjeeva Kalva (editor), Harold Park (editor), Chieh Suai Tan (editor), Gerald A. Beathard (editor), 2021
The causes of epilepsy : diagnosis and investigation
Renzo Guerrini (editor); Simon D. Shorvon (editor); Eugen Trinka (editor); Steven Schachter (editor), 2019
The Goes-r Series: A New Generation of Geostationary Environmental Satellites
Steven J. Goodman (editor), Timothy J. Schmit (editor), Jaime Daniels (editor), Robert J. Redmon (editor), 2019
The Cognitive Approach in Cloud Computing and Internet of Things Technologies for Surveillance Tracking Systems
Dinesh Peter (editor), Amir H Alavi (editor), Bahman Javadi (editor), Steven L. Fernandes (editor), 2020
Head, Face, and Neck Pain: Science, Evaluation, and Management: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Noshir R. Mehta (editor), George E. Maloney (editor), Dhirendra S. Bana (editor), Steven J. Scrivani (editor), 2009
Clinical Cardiac MRI
Jan Bogaert (editor), Steven Dymarkowski (editor), Andrew M. Taylor (editor), Vivek Muthurangu (editor), 2012
Cerebral Palsy
Freeman Miller (editor), Steven Bachrach (editor), Nancy Lennon (editor), Margaret O'Neil (editor), 2020
Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Vikas R. Dharnidharka (editor), Michael Green (editor), Steven A. Webber (editor), Ralf Ulrich Trappe (editor), 2021
Principles of Neural Science
Eric R. Kandel (editor); Steven Siegelbaum (editor); Sarah Mack (editor); John Koester (editor), 2021
ASE’s Comprehensive Echocardiography
Steven A Goldstein MDFACC (editor), Itzhak Kronzon MDFASEFACCFAHAFESCFACP (editor), Bijoy Khandheria MDFASEFESCFACP (editor), Victor Mor-Avi PhD (editor), 2015
Thinking about Science, Reflecting on Art: Bringing Aesthetics and Philosophy of Science Together
Otávio Bueno (editor), George Darby (editor), Steven French (editor), Dean Rickles (editor), 2017
Thinking about Science, Reflecting on Art: Bringing Aesthetics and Philosophy of Science Together
Otavio Bueno (editor), George Darby (editor), Steven French (editor), Dean Rickles (editor), 2017
Selected Proceedings of the 14th Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society: In Honor of Peter Kosta
Peter Kosta (editor), Steven L Franks (editor), Alan H Timberlake (editor), Anna W Wietecka (editor), 2021
Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict
Michael E. Brown (Editor), Owen R. Jr Cote (Editor), Sean M. Lynn-Jones (Editor), Steven E. Miller (Editor), 2001
Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Emergency Medicine
Christopher Strother (editor), Yasuharu Okuda (editor), Nelson Wong (editor), Steven McLaughlin (editor), 2021
Apoptosis Senescence and Cancer
David A Gewirtz (Editor), Shawn Edan Holt (Editor), Steven Grant (Editor), 2007
Key techniques in orthopaedic surgery
Matthew D. Saltzman (editor); Steven H. Stern (editor); Christopher M. Bono (editor), 2018
Microbial Forensics
Bruce Budowle (editor), Steven E. Schutzer (editor), Stephen A. Morse (editor), 2019
Advances in Computerized Analysis in Clinical and Medical Imaging
J Dinesh Peter (Editor); Steven Lawrence Fernandes (Editor); Carlos Eduardo Thomaz (Editor), 2019