کتاب های Steven Toms (editor)

Formal Modelling in Electronic Commerce (International Handbooks on Information Systems)
Steven O. Kimbrough (Editor), Dongjun Wu (Editor), 2004
150 Years of Mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis
Steven G. Krantz (Editor) Gary R. Jensen (Editor) (ed.), 2006
African Urban Spaces in Historical Perspective (Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora)
Toyin Falola (Editor) Steven J. Salm (Editor), 2005
Concepts of Nature: Ancient and Modern
R. J. Snell (editor), Steven F. McGuire (editor), 2016
Partners in Suspense: Critical Essays on Bernard Herrmann and Alfred Hitchcock
Steven Rawle (Editor), K.J. Donnelly (Editor), 2016
1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, 7th Edition
Steven Jay Schneider (editor), Ian Haydn Smith (update editor), 2017
Absorbing the Blow: Populist Parties and their Impact on Parties and Party Systems
Steven Wolinetz (Editor), Andrej Zaslove (Editor), 2018
1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die
Ian Haydn Smith (editor), Steven Jay Schneider (editor), 2017
Barley : chemistry and technology
Steven E. Ullrich (editor); Peter R. Shewry (editor), 2016
Systems Simulation and Modeling for Cloud Computing and Big Data Applications (Volume 10) (Advances in ubiquitous sensing applications for healthcare (Volume 10), Band 10)
Dinesh Peter (editor), Steven L. Fernandes (editor), 2020
Biophysical characterization of proteins in developing biopharmaceuticals
Damian J. Houde (editor); Steven A. Berkowitz (editor), 2020
The Oxford handbook of critical concepts in music theory
Steven Rings (editor:); Alexander Rehding (editor), 2019
Educating Professionals: Practice Learning in Health and Social Care
Mark Doel (editor), Steven M. Shardlow (editor), 2009
Scientific Realism and the Quantum
Steven French (editor), Juha Saatsi (editor), 2020
Comintern aesthetics
Amelia Glaser (editor); Steven Sunwoo Lee (editor), 2020
Communicative Approaches to Ancient Languages
Mair E. Lloyd (editor), Steven Hunt (editor), 2021
PLOTINUS, Ennead VI.4 & VI.5: On the Presence of Being, One and the Same, Everywhere as a Whole: Translation with an Introduction and Commentary
Eyjólfur K. Emilsson, Steven K. Strange, John M. Dillon (editor), Andrew Smith (editor), 2015
The Annals of Flodoard of Reims, 919-966
Flodoard of Reims, Bernard S. Bachrach (editor), Steven Fanning (editor), 2004
Safeguarding and Protecting Children in the Early Years
Steven Burton (editor), James Reid (editor), 2017
Beyond Sight: Engaging the Senses in Iberian Literatures and Cultures, 1200-1750
Ryan D. Giles (editor), Steven Wagschal (editor), 2018
Beyond Sight: Engaging the Senses in Iberian Literatures and Cultures, 1200-1750
Ryan D. Giles (editor), Steven Wagschal (editor), 2018
Discipline and the Other Body: Correction, Corporeality, Colonialism
Steven Pierce (editor), Anupama Rao (editor), 2006
The Political Economy Reader: Contending Perspectives and Contemporary Debates
Naazneen H. Barma (editor), Steven K. Vogel (editor), 2021
John Dewey’s Ethical Theory: The 1932 Ethics
Roberto Frega (editor), Steven Levine (editor), 2020