کتاب های Steven W. Rudy

Electromechanical Motion Devices, Second Edition
Paul Krause, Oleg Wasynczuk, Steven Pekarek(auth.), 2012
The Nanotech Pioneers: Where Are They Taking Us
Steven A. Edwards, 2006
The Nanotech War
Steven Piziks, 2002
The Filmmaker's Handbook 2013 Edition
Steven Ascher, Edward Pincus
The Filmmaker's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age
Steven Ascher, Edward Pincus, 2007
DSP-Based Electromechanical Motion Control (Power Electronics and Applications Series)
Hamid A. Toliyat, Steven G. Campbell, 2003
Teach yourself Black & White Photograph
Chris George, Steven Raynes, 2014
Cardiac Surgery: Current Issues 4
Michael del Rio M.D., Steven R. Gundry M.D., Anees J. Razzouk M.D. (auth.), Aurel C. Cernaianu M.D., Anthony J. DelRossi M.D. (eds.), 1995
Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods: 11th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference, CHARME 2001 Livingston, Scotland, UK, September 4–7, 2001 Proceedings
Steven D. Johnson (auth.), Tiziana Margaria, Tom Melham (eds.), 2001
Constitutionalism and Democracy: Transitions in the Contemporary World
Douglas Greenberg, Stanley N. Katz, Steven C. Wheatley, Melanie Beth Oliviero, 1993
Cinema Anime
Steven T Brown, 2006
Cinema Anime: Critical Engagements with Japanese Animation
Steven T. Brown (eds.), 2006
Invisible Fences: Prose Poetry as a Genre in French and American Literature
Steven Monte, 2000
The arts of rule : essays in honor of Harvey Mansfield
Sharon R. Krause, Mary Ann McGrail, Adam Schulman, Joseph Reisert, Kathryn Sensen, Eric S. Petrie, Alan Levine, Diana J. Schaub, David S. Fott, Travis D. Smith, Ioannis D. Evrigenis, James Read, Janet Dougherty, Andrew Sabl, Sharon Krause, Steven Lenzner, Ben Berger, BryanGarsten , Russell Muirhead, Mark Blitz, 2009
MCSE SQL Server 2000 design study guide
Marc Israel, J. Steven Jones, Steve Jones, 2001
MCSE SQL Server 2000 design study guide
Marc Israel, J. Steven Jones, Steve Jones, 2001
MCSE SQL Server 2000 design study guide
Marc Israel, J. Steven Jones, Steve Jones, 2001
MCSE: SQL Server 2000 Design Study Guide
Marc Israel, J. Steven Jones, Steve Jones, 2001
Accounting for the Public Interest: Perspectives on Accountability, Professionalism and Role in Society
Michael K. Shaub, Robert L. Braun (auth.), Steven Mintz (eds.), 2014
Computational physics, FORTRAN version
Steven E. Koonin, 1998
Computational Physics-Fortran Version
Steven E. Koonin, Dawn C. Meredith, 1998
Computational Physics: Fortran Version
Steven E. Koonin, 1998
Surfactant and mechanical ventilation
Steven M Donn; Thomas E Wiswell, 2007