کتاب های Studies, D.e.l.

Elementary Exercises in Word Processing: Teacher’s Book
Helen Brown HNC in Business Studies, 1989
The Russian Enterprise in Transition: Case Studies
Centre for Comparative Labour Studies (Warwick, 1996
Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture - 7 (1993): Domestic Animals of Mesopotamia, Part I
Faculty of Oriental Studies, 1993
Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture - 8 (1995): Domestic Animals of Mesopotamia, Part II
Faculty of Oriental Studies, 1995
Animals as Sentinels of Environmental Health Hazards
Committee on Animals as Monitors of Environmental Hazards, Board on Environmental Studies, 1991
Éling, Éling ! (ئېلﯩڭ، ئېلﯩڭ !)
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Environmental Impacts of Wind-Energy Projects
Committee on Environmental Impacts of Wind Energy Projects, Board on Environmental Studies, 2007
Preventing Nuclear Dangers in Southeast Asia and Australasia (An IISS Strategic Dossier)
The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), 2009
Dimensions of Tax Design: The Mirrlees Review
Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), 2010
Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture - 1 (1984)
Faculty of Oriental Studies, 1984
Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture - 2 (1985)
Faculty of Oriental Studies, 1985
Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture - 3 (1987)
Faculty of Oriental Studies, 1987
Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture - 6 (1992): Trees and Timber in Mesopotamia
Faculty of Oriental Studies, 1992
AJS Review. Vol. 1 1976, Edited by Frank Talmage
Association For Jewish Studies, 1976
Engineering Studies at Tribal Colleges and Universities
National Academy of Engineering Letter Report from the Steering Committee for Engineering Studies at the Tribal Colleges, 2006
Engineering Studies at Tribal Colleges and Universities
National Academy of Engineering Letter Report from the Steering Committee for Engineering Studies at the Tribal Colleges, 2006
Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan: Volume 5: Languages of Chitral
National Institute of Pakistan Studies, 2004
In-vessel coolability and retention of a core melt. Volume 1
Theofanous, T.G.; Liu, C.; Additon, S.; Angelini, S.; Kymaelaeinen, O.; Salmassi, T.[California Univ., Santa Barbara, CA (United States). Center for Risk Studies, 1996
In-Vessel Coolability, Retention of a Core Melt Vol 2
Theofanous, T.G.; Liu, C.; Additon, S.; Angelini, S.; Kymaelaeinen, O.; Salmassi, T.[California Univ., Santa Barbara, CA (United States). Center for Risk Studies, 1996
Gautam Bhadra -- From an Imperial Product to a National Drink, The Culture of Tea Consumption in Modern India
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences
Gender inequalities in Kenya
Colin Creighton; Felicia Arudo Yieke; Egerton University. Institute for Women"s Studies, 2006
Kamalika Mukherjee -- Parallel Lives, Charting the History of Popular Prints of the Bengal and Bombay Presidencies
Centre for the Studies in Social Sciences
Fire and Smoke: Understanding the Hazards
Committee on Fire Toxicology, Board on Environmental Studies, 1986
Ecological Dynamics on Yellowstone's Northern Range
Committee on Ungulate Management in Yellowstone National Park, Board on Environmental Studies, 2002