کتاب های Sun, X.

The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature, Volume II: To 1375
Kang-i Sun Chang, 2010
Strategien von Banken im globalen Wettbewerb
Sun Choi (auth.), 1997
Design and Control of Automotive Propulsion Systems
Zongxuan Sun, 2015
Design and Control of Automotive Propulsion Systems
Zongxuan Sun, 2015
Biological Chemistry of Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth
Hongzhe Sun, 2011
Stardust: The Cosmic Seeds of Life
Sun Kwok (auth.), 2013
Japanese Fashions
Ming-Ju Sun, 1999
Robust Adaptive Control
Petros A. Ioannou Jing Sun, 1995
ZnO nanostructures and their applications
Xiao Wei Sun, 2012.
Genome Sequencing Technology and Algorithms
Sun Kim, 2007
Interdisciplinary Computing in Java Programming
Sun-Chong Wang (auth.), 2003
Using and Managing PPP
Andrew Sun, 1999
Optimization Theory and Methods: Nonlinear Programming
Wenyu Sun, 2006
Optimization Theory and Methods: Nonlinear Programming (Springer Optimization and Its Applications)
Wenyu Sun Ya-xiang Yuan, 2006
Guide to Voice and Video over IP: For Fixed and Mobile Networks
Lingfen Sun, 2013
Intelligent Techniques in E-Commerce: A Case Based Reasoning Perspective
Dr. Zhaohao Sun BSc, 2004
Epigenetics, Environment, and Genes
Sun Woo Kang, 2013
STREAMS Programming Guide
Sun Microsystems
System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)
Sun Microsystems Inc., 2002