کتاب های Sung Yoon Lee

Unsung Hero: The Story of Colonel Young Oak Kim
Woo Sung Han, Edward T. Chang, 2001
North Korea and Nuclear Weapons: Entering the New Era of Deterrence
Sung Chull Kim (editor), Michael D. Cohen (editor), 2017
Selected Regular Lectures from the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Sung Je Cho (eds.), 2015
101 Things I Learned® in Product Design School
Sung Jang; Martin Thaler; Matthew Frederick, 2020
原本老乞大 : 解题・原文・原文影印・索引 /Yuan ben lao qi da : jie ti, yuan wen, yuan wen ying yin, suo yin
Chŏng, Kuang; Chŏng, Sŭng-hye; Liang, Wuzhen, 2002
Advanced Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering: MUE-FutureTech 2020
James J. Park, Vincenzo Loia, Yi Pan, Yunsick Sung, 2021
Asymptotic Modal Analysis of Structural and Acoustical Systems (Synthesis Lectures on Mechanical Engineering)
Shung H Sung, Dean R Culver, Donald J Nefske, Earl H Dowell, 2020
Environment, Energy and Applied Technology
Wen-Pei Sung, Jimmy C.M. Kao, 2015
Korean International Students and the Making of Racialized Transnational Elites
Sung-Choon Park, 2020
Reading China Against the Grain: Imagining Communities
Carlos Rojas and Mei-hwa Sung, 2020
The Fundamentals of Hebrew Accents: Divisions and Exegetical Roles beyond Syntax
Sung Jin Park, 2020
Li Ta-Chao and the Impact of Marxism on Modern Chinese Thinking
Huang Sung-Kang, 2020
Entretien avec un grupe de visiteurs Japonais
Kim Il Sung, 1979
Entretien avec une delegation du parti socialiste du Japon
Kim Il Sung, 1984
Maintenons le principe de souverainete
Kim Il Sung, 1982
Pour una developpement plus intese du system de travail de Dai-an
Kim Il Sung, 1982
Pour una grande union de notre nation
Kim Il Sung, 1991
Quelques experiences en matiere de financements a l’egard des campagnes
Kim Il Sung, 1976