کتاب های Suzi Bluford

Professional Standards for Dog Trainers: Effective, Humane Principles
Suzanne Hetts, Karen Miller, Suzi Bluford, Maggie Tai Tucker, Delta Society, 2001
Professional Standards for Dog Trainers: Effective, Humane Principles
Suzanne Hetts, Karen Miller, Suzi Bluford, Maggie Tai Tucker, Delta Society, 2001
Risk Management: Principles and Practices
Bluford H. Putnam, Richard M. Bookstaber, Robert M. McLaughlin, Andrew W. Lo, Desmond Mac Intyre, Charles W. Smithson, Jacques Longerstaey, Michelle McCarthy, Brian D. Singer, Stephen Kealhofer, 1999
Improving the Investment Process through Risk Management
Bluford H. Putnam, 2003