کتاب های Syed Z. Ali Md Frcpath Fiac

Springer-Verlag History of a Scientific Publishing House: Part 2 Rebuilding 1945–1992 Opening Frontiers Securing the Future
Dr.phil.Dr.med.h.c.mult. Heinz Götze FRCPath (Hon.) (auth.), 1996
Middleton's Allergy Essentials, 1e
Robyn E O'Hehir FRACPPhDFRCPath, Stephen T Holgate MDDScFMedSci, Aziz Sheikh, 2017
Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, 8e
Kim S Suvarna MBBSBScFRCPFRCPath, Christopher Layton PhD, John D. Bancroft, 2019
Muscle Biopsy: A Practical Approach
Victor Dubowitz MDPhDFRCPFRCPCH, Anders Oldfors MD PhD, Caroline A. Sewry BScPhDFRCPath, 2013
Robbins Basic Pathology 9.Edition & Robbins Temel Patoloji 9.Baskı
Vinay Kumar, MBBS, MD, FRCPath & Prof. Dr. Uğur Çevikbaş, 2013 & 2014
Wheater's Pathology: A Text, Atlas and Review of Histopathology, 6e
Geraldine O'Dowd BSc (Hons)MBChB (Hons)FRCPath, Sarah Bell, Sylvia Wright, 2019
Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy, Volume 3, The Dog and Cat, 2e
Stanley H. Done BABVetMedPhDDECPHMDECVPFRCVSFRCPath, Peter C. Goody BScMSc(Ed)PhD, Susan A. Evans MIScT AIMI MIAS, Neil C. Stickland BScPhDDSc, 2009
Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (Robbins Pathology)
Vinay Kumar MBBSMDFRCPath, Abul K. Abbas MBBS, Jon C. Aster MDPhD, 2020
Atlas of Gynecologic Surgical Pathology
Philip B. Clement MD, Jennifer Stall MD, Robert H. Young MDFRCPath, 2019
Atlas of Gynecologic Surgical Pathology
Philip B. Clement MD, Jennifer Stall MD, Robert H. Young MDFRCPath, 2019
Odell's Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistry
Avijit Banerjee BDS MSc PhD (Lond) LDS FDS (Rest Dent) FDS RCS (Eng) FHEA (editor), Selvam Dr Thavaraj PhD FDSRCS FRCPath (editor), 2020