کتاب های T. Peters (auth.)

Non-State Actors as Standard Setters
Ed. by Anne Peters, Lucy Koechlin, Till Forster, Gretta Fenner Zinkernagel, 2009
Non-State Actors as Standard Setters
Ed. by Anne Peters, Lucy Koechlin, Till Forster, Gretta Fenner Zinkernagel, 2009
Edited by Frances Peters-Little,Ann Curthoys and John Docker, 2010
Surveys in game theory and related topics
edited by H.J.M. Peters, O.J. Vrieze., 1987.
Titanium and titanium alloys: fundamentals and applications
edited by C. Leyens and M. Peters., 2003
Festschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein — Westfalen zu Ehren des Herrn Ministerpräsidenten Karl Arnold
Richard Alewyn, Herbert von Einem, Joseph Höffner, Günther Jachmann, Gerhard Kegel, Josef Kroll, Thomas Ohm, Hans Peters, Josef Pieper, Karl Heinrich Rengstorf, Fritz Schalk, Georg Schreiber, Friedrich Karl Schumann, Franz Steinbach, Hans Erich Stier, Jost Trier, Leo Weisgerber, Harry Westermann, Hans J. Wolff, Leo Brandt, Kurt Alder, Volker Aschoff, Friedrich Becker, Heinrich Behnke, Theodor Beste, Hans Braun, Wilhelm Fucks, Wilhelm Groth, Fritz Gummert, Burckhardt Helferich, Walther L. Hoffman, 1955
THE Aromatherapy Handbook
Tamar Goldstein, Bill M. Moore, R.J. Peters, Claire Poulton, Steve Watson, August Wusterhausen, 2006
Applied Thermodynamics of Fluids
Goodwin A.R.H., Sengers J.V., Peters C.J. (eds.), 2010
Deconstructing Derrida: Tasks for the New Humanities
Peter Pericles Trifonas, Michael A. Peters, 2005
Deconstructing Derrida: Tasks for the New Humanities
Peter Pericles Trifonas, Michael A. Peters (eds.), 2005
War and Escalation in South Asia
John E. Peters, James Dickens, Derek Eaton, C. Christine Fair, Nina Hachigian, 2005
War Escalation in South Asia
John E. Peters James Dickens Derek Eaton, 2005
A River in the Sky
Elizabeth Peters, 2010
Cry Silent Tears
Joe Peters, 2008
New Developments in Mortgage-Backed Securities
Richard T. Pratt, Helen F. Peters, Richard B. Worley, Stanley Diller, Roland M. Machold, James J. Connolly, William H. Gross, Richard L. Sega; Frank J. Fabozzi, Ray B. Zemon; Suzanne Denbo Jaffe, J. Donald Klink; Paul A. Yates, 1985
Authority, Responsibility and Education
R. S. Peters, 1959
Voice over IP Fundamentals
Jonathan Davidson, James Peters, Brian Gracely, 2000
Voice over IP Fundamentals
Jonathan Davidson, James Peters, Manoj Bhatia, Satish Kalidindi, Sudipto Mukherjee, 2007
Voice over IP fundamentals
Jonathan Davidson; James Peters; Brian Gracely, 2000
Deaf American Literature: From Canival to the Canon
Cynthia Peters, 2000
Introduction a la theorie de Hodge
Jose Bertin, Jean-Pierre Demailly, Luc Illusie, Chris Peters, 1996
Introduction to Hodge theory
J. P. Demailly, L. Illusie, C. Peters, Jose Bertin, James Lewis, 2002
Light Absorption of Organic Colorants: Theoretical Treatment and Empirical Rules
A. T. Peters, H. S. Freeman (eds.), 1980