کتاب های T.e. Gram (eds.)

Micro-Organisms in Foods 6: Microbial Ecology of Food Commodities
T. A. Roberts{roJoint Chairman}, J.-L. Cordier, L. Gram (auth.), T. A. Roberts{roJoint Chairman}, J.-L. Cordier, L. Gram, R. B. Tompkin, J. I. Pitt{roJoint Chairman}, L. G. M. Gorris, K. M. J. Swanson (eds.), 2005
History of Nordic Computing 4: 4th IFIP WG 9.7 Conference, HiNC 4, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 13-15, 2014, Revised Selected Papers
Christian Gram, Per Rasmussen, Søren Duus Østergaard (eds.), 2015
Metabolic Activation and Toxicity of Chemical Agents to Lung Tissue and Cells
T.E. Gram (Eds.), 1993
A Cognitive Approach to the Verb: Morphological and Constructional Perspectives
Hanne Gram Simonsen, Rolf Theil Endresen, 2001
Design Principles for Interactive Software
Christian Gram, 1996
Direct Realism: A Study of Perception
Moltke S. Gram (auth.), 1983
One step beyond : one man’s journey from near death to new life
Gram Seed; Andrea Robinson, 2008
One step beyond : one man’s journey from near death to new life
Gram Seed; Andrea Robinson, 2008
The end of value-free economics
Hilary Putnam; Vivian Walsh; Harvey Gram; Martha C. Nussbaum; Amartya Sen, 2014
Classical and neoclassical theories of general equilibrium : historical origins and mathematical structure
Vivian Walsh; Harvey Gram, 1980
Innføring i lingvistikk
Andreas Sveen, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Rolf Theil Endresen, 2000
Bioethics, Public Moral Argument, and Social Responsibility
Nancy M. P. King (eds.), Michael J. Hyde (eds.), 2012
Studia z socjologii emocji. Podręcznik akademicki
Anna Czerner (eds), Elżbieta Nieroba (eds), 2011
Emerging Fluorinated Motifs Synthesis, Properties, and Applications Volume 1&2
Dominique Cahard(eds.);Jun‐An Ma(eds.), 2020
Olympiade-Aufgaben für junge Mathematiker: Mathematische Aufgaben für 10-15jährige
Bernd Noack (eds), Herbert Titze (eds), 1989
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Technologies for Mastering Change: 5th International Symposium, ISoLA 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 15-18, 2012, Proceedings, Part I
Reiner Hähnle, Ina Schaefer (auth.), Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen (eds.), 2012
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Technologies for Mastering Change: 5th International Symposium, ISoLA 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 15-18, 2012, Proceedings, Part I
Reiner Hähnle, Ina Schaefer (auth.), Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen (eds.), 2012
A Geography of Public Relations Trends: Selected Proceedings of the 10th Public Relations World Congress “Between People and Power”, Amsterdam 3 – 7 June 1985
H. Mock, J. I. Royce, R. F. M. Lubbers, L. Moachon, B. Ogbuagu, T. Gastaut (auth.), E. Denig, A. van der Meiden (eds.), 1985
Memory, Trauma and World Politics: Reflections on the Relationship Between Past and Present
Duncan Bell (eds.), 2006
Antimicrobial pharmacodynamics in theory and clinical practice
Nightingale C.H., et al. (eds.), 2007
Analysis of Divergence: Control and Management of Divergent Processes
William O. Bray, Časlav V. Stanojević (auth.), William O. Bray, Časlav V. Stanojević (eds.), 1998