کتاب های T.e. Lane (editor)

Computational Intelligence and Mathematics for Tackling Complex Problems 5 (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1127)
M.Eugenia Cornejo (editor), László T. Kóczy (editor), Jesús Medina (editor), Eloísa Ramírez-Poussa (editor), 2024
Computational Intelligence and Mathematics for Tackling Complex Problems 3 (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 959)
István Á. Harmati (editor), László T. Kóczy (editor), Jesús Medina (editor), Eloísa Ramírez-Poussa (editor), 2021
Computational Intelligence in Machine Learning: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference ICCIML 2022 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 1106)
Vinit Kumar Gunjan (editor), Amit Kumar (editor), Jacek M. Zurada (editor), Sri Niwas Singh (editor), 2024
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XX (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation)
Stephan Winkler (editor), Leonardo Trujillo (editor), Charles Ofria (editor), Ting Hu (editor), 2024
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XX (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation)
Stephan Winkler (editor), Leonardo Trujillo (editor), Charles Ofria (editor), Ting Hu (editor), 2024
Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling Techniques and Tools: Modelling Techniques and Tools. 12th International Conference, TOOLS 2002 London, UK, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2324)
Tony Field (editor), Peter G. Harrison (editor), Jeremy Bradley (editor), Uli Harder (editor), 2002
Capitalism in the Platform Age: Emerging Assemblages of Labour and Welfare in Urban Spaces (Springer Studies in Alternative Economics)
Sandro Mezzadra (editor), Niccoló Cuppini (editor), Mattia Frapporti (editor), Maurilio Pirone (editor), 2024
Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Emergency Medicine
Christopher Strother (editor), Yasuharu Okuda (editor), Nelson Wong (editor), Steven McLaughlin (editor), 2021
Universal Screening in Educational Settings: Evidence-Based Decision Making for Schools
Ryan J. Kettler (editor), Todd A. Glover (editor), Craig A. Albers (editor), Kelly A. Feeney-Kettler (editor), 2013
Changes in Paddy Soil Fertility in Tropical Asia under Green Revolution: From the 1960s to the 2010s
Junta Yanai (editor), Sota Tanaka (editor), Shin Abe (editor), Atsushi Nakao (editor), 2022
Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election: Informing, Interacting with, and Mobilising Voters (Political Campaigning and Communication)
Jörg Haßler (editor), Melanie Magin (editor), Uta Russmann (editor), Vicente Fenoll (editor), 2021
Saints and Sainthood around the Baltic Sea: Identity, Literacy, and Communication in the Middle Ages (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Culture)
Tuomas M S Lehtonen (editor), Nils Holger Petersen (editor), Tracey Sands (editor), Kurt Villads Jensen (editor), 2018
Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 11
Jane Hurst (editor), Robert J. Beynon (editor), S. Craig Roberts (editor), Tristram Wyatt (editor), 2007
Microbiota and Biofertilizers, Vol 2: Ecofriendly Tools for Reclamation of Degraded Soil Environs
Gowhar Hamid Dar (editor), Rouf Ahmad Bhat (editor), Mohammad Aneesul Mehmood (editor), Khalid Rehman Hakeem (editor), 2021
Crises and Disruptions in International Business: How Multinational Enterprises Respond to Crises (JIBS Special Collections)
Murad A. Mithani (editor), Rajneesh Narula (editor), Irina Surdu (editor), Alain Verbeke (editor), 2022
Communication and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ICCIS 2019 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 120)
Jagdish Chand Bansal (editor), Mukesh Kumar Gupta (editor), Harish Sharma (editor), Basant Agarwal (editor), 2020
Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies: Proceedings of Fifth ICCNCT 2022
S. Smys (editor), Pavel Lafata (editor), Ram Palanisamy (editor), Khaled A. Kamel (editor), 2022
The Impact of Climate Change on Fungal Diseases (Fungal Biology)
María Guadalupe Frías-De-León (editor), Carolina Brunner-Mendoza (editor), María del Rocío Reyes-Montes (editor), Esperanza Duarte-Escalante (editor), 2022
Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications: Proceedings of ICCCMLA 2020 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)
Vinit Kumar Gunjan (editor), P. N. Suganthan (editor), Jan Haase (editor), Amit Kumar (editor), 2021
Computational Intelligence: Revised and Selected Papers of the International Joint Conference IJCCI 2009 held in Funchal-Madeira, Portugal, October 2009 (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 343)
Kurosh Madani (editor), António Dourado Correia (editor), Agostinho Rosa (editor), Joaquim Filipe (editor), 2011
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 41st International Conference, SAFECOMP 2022, Munich, Germany, September 6–9, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Mario Trapp (editor), Francesca Saglietti (editor), Marc Spisländer (editor), Friedemann Bitsch (editor), 2022
Computer Performance Engineering: 7th European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW 2010, Bertinoro, Italy, September 23-24, 2010, Proceedings
Alessandro Aldini (editor), Marco Bernardo (editor), Luciano Bononi (editor), Vittorio Cortellessa (editor), 2010
Wine Tourism and Sustainability: The Economic, Social and Environmental Contribution of the Wine Industry
Javier Martínez-Falcó (editor), Bartolomé Marco-Lajara (editor), Eduardo Sánchez-García (editor), Luis A. Millán-Tudela (editor), 2024
Data Management Technologies and Applications (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Alfredo Cuzzocrea (editor), Oleg Gusikhin (editor), Slimane Hammoudi (editor), Christoph Quix (editor), 2023