کتاب های Takahashi

Human Rights and Drug Control: The False Dichotomy
Saul Takahashi, 2016
Guia Mangá de Bancos de Dados
Mana Takahashi, Shoko Azuma, 2009
Osteoporotic Fracture and Systemic Skeletal Disorders: Mechanism, Assessment, and Treatment
Hideaki E. Takahashi (editor), David B. Burr (editor), Noriaki Yamamoto (editor), 2022
Econo-Legal Studies: Thinking Through the Lenses of Economics and Law
Takashi Yanagawa, Hiroshi Takahashi, Shinya Ouchi, 2021
Transpacific Visions: Connected Histories of the Pacific across North and South
Yasuko Hassall Kobayashi; Shinnosuke Takahashi, 2021
Riboregulator Design and Analysis
James Chappell, Melissa K. Takahashi, 2022
Spin Fluctuation Theory of Itinerant Electron Magnetism
Yoshinori Takahashi, 2013
Patchwork, Please!: Colorful Zakka Projects to Stitch and Give
Ayumi Takahashi, 2013
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXI
John W. Severinghaus (auth.), Eiji Takahashi, Duane F. Bruley (eds.), 2010
Export Market Orientation: A Comprehensive Literature Review
Mohammad Osman Gani, Anisur R. Faroque, Yoshi Takahashi, 2023
Serving Teens with Mental Illness in the Library
Deborah K. Takahashi, 2019
Educators' Learning from Lesson Study: Mathematics for Ages 5-13
Akihiko Takahashi, Thomas McDougal, Shelley Friedkin, Tad Watanabe, 2022
Environmental Communication Among Minority Populations
Bruno Takahashi, Sonny Rosenthal, 2020
Stochastic Volatility and Realized Stochastic Volatility Models
Makoto Takahashi, Yasuhiro Omori, Toshiaki Watanabe, 2023
Essence Of Dogen
Masanobu Takahashi, 2013
Francisci Maurolyci Optica. Ediz. italiana e inglese
Riccardo Bellé (curatore); Ken'ichi Takahashi (curatore), 2017
Stochastic Volatility and Realized Stochastic Volatility Models
Makoto Takahashi, Yasuhiro Omori, Toshiaki Watanabe, 2023
Ground Improvement for Coastal Engineering
Hidenori Takahashi, 2023
Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's (Springer INdAM Series, 47)
Vincenzo Ferone (editor), Tatsuki Kawakami (editor), Paolo Salani (editor), Futoshi Takahashi (editor), 2021
Suicide: Individual, Cultural, International Perspectives
Antoon A. Leenaars (editor), Ronald W. Maris (editor), Yoshitomo Takahashi (editor), 1997
Monitoring Artificial Materials and Microbes in Marine Ecosystems: Interactions and Assessment Methods
Toshiyuki Takahashi, 2020
Fukushima Futures: Survival stories in a repeatedly ruined seascape
Satsuki Takahashi, 2023
Victimology and Victim Assistance: Advocacy, Intervention, and Restoration
Yoshiko Takahashi, Chadley E. James, 2018