کتاب های Ted Bastin

Combinatorial Physics (Series on Knots and Everything)
Ted Bastin, 1995
The Melody Man: Joe Davis and the New York Music Scene, 1916-1978
Bruce Bastin, 2012
On-line Estimation and Adaptive Control of Bioreactors
G. Bastin (Auth.), 1990
Red River Blues: The Blues Tradition in the Southeast
Bruce Bastin (auth.), 1986
Dictionnaire de la CAO et du graphisme
Nathalie Bastin
Twin Research 3: Part B: Intelligence, Personality, and Development (Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Twin Studies, June 16-20, 1980, Jerusalem)
Luigi Gedda, Paolo Parisi, Walter E. Nance, S.G. Vandenberg, A.R. Kuse, Joseph M. Horn, John C. Loehlin, Lee Willerman, Thomas J Bouchard Jr, Robert Plomin, J.C. DeFries, Richard J Rose, I.A. Uchida, J.C. Christian, Siv Fischbein, Arleen Garfinkle, L.A. Corey, R.J. Rose, L.J. Eaves, A.C. Heath, P.A. Young, Sandra Scarr, Patricia L. Webber, Richard A. Weinberg, Michele A. Wittig, Joseph M. Horn, Karen Matthews, Ray Rosenman, Frank Barron, Silvia Borella, M. Timsit, C. Bastin, M. Timsit-Berthier,, 1981
Humanity in play: Man meets monkey in Ancien Régime France
Kathryn Rife Bastin, 2016
Du paradis à l’enfer : 23 ans chez les Témoins de Jéhovah
Michèle Bastin, 2009
Raffles and Hastings: Private Exchanges Behind the Founding of Singapore
John Bastin, 2014
Victor Horta in Brussel
Françoise Aubry, Jacques Evrard, Christine Bastin, 1997
A History of Modern Southeast Asia
John Bastin and Harry J. Benda, 1977