کتاب های The World Bank

Costa Rica, a pension reform strategy
World Bank, 2000
World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change
World Bank, 2009
Migration and Remittances Fact book 2011
World Bank Publications
Global monitoring report
World Bank, 2006
Doing Business in 2005: Obstacles to Growth
World Bank, 2004
Doing Business in 2005: Obstacles to Growth (Doing Business)
World Bank, 2004
Doing Business in India 2009
The World Bank, 2009
East Asia and Pacific Update, November 2009: Transforming the Rebound into Recovery
World Bank Group, 2009
East Asia Decentralizes: Making Local Government Work
World Bank, 2005
East Asia's trade and investment: regional and global gains from liberalization
World Bank. East Asia, 1994
East Asia: recovery and beyond
World Bank, 2000
East Asia: The Road to Recovery (World Bank Publication)
The World Bank, 1999