کتاب های Thierry

La Pâtisserie des Reves: The Pâtisserie of Dreams
Philippe Conticini, Thierry Teyssier, 2014
Theoretical Physics, Wavelets, Analysis, Genomics. An Indisciplinary Tribute to Alex Grossmann
Patrick Flandrin, Stéphane Jaffard, Thierry Paul, Bruno Torrésani, 2023
Nous sommes tous des mathématiciens
Thierry Dias, 2016
Aux marges du monde germanique: L'évêque, le prince, les païens (VIIIe-XIe siècles)
Geneviève Bührer-Thierry
Marile opere ale filosofiei moderne
Thierry Gonthier, 1998
Marile opere ale filosofiei moderne
Thierry Gonthier, 1998
From Fragmentation to Financial Integration in Europe
Charles Enoch; Luc Everaert; Thierry Tressel; Jian-Ping Zhou; International Monetary Fund,, 2013
Fetal, Neonatal and Pediatric Neuroradiology
Stephen Kralik, Nilesh Desai, Avner Meoded MD, Thierry A. G. M. Huisman MD, 2023
Earth's Climate Response to a Changing Sun
Katja Matthes; Thierry Dudok De Wit; Jean Lilensten; Collectif, 2020
Tout le monde en a parlé
Vincent Cocquebert Thierry Ardisson, 2012
The System of Comics
Thierry Groensteen, 2007
Combinatorics on Words: 13th International Conference, WORDS 2021, Rouen, France, September 13–17, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12847)
Thierry Lecroq (editor), Svetlana Puzynina (editor), 2021
Coding Strategies in Vertebrate Acoustic Communication (Animal Signals and Communication, 7)
Thierry Aubin (editor), Nicolas Mathevon (editor), 2020
Installer ou rénover un tableau électrique
Thierry Gallauziaux, David Fedullo, 2022
21 énigmes pour (enfin) comprendre les maths
Thierry Maugenest et Antoine houlou Garcia