کتاب های Thomas Eger (editor)

Research Handbook on the Economics of European Union Law
Thomas Eger (editor), Hans-Bernd Schäfer (editor), 2012
Medienrecht: Band 5 IT-Recht
Artur-Axel Wandtke (editor); Claudia Ohst (editor); Matthias Hartmann (editor); Thomas Hoeren (editor); Gregor Kutzschbach (editor); Claudia Ohst (editor); Jan Pohle (editor); Jan Witzmann (editor), 2014
The Unit Problem and Other Current Topics in Business Survey Methodology
Boris Lorenc (editor), Paul A. Smith (editor) , Mojca Bavdaž (editor), Gustav Haraldsen (editor), Desislava Nedyalkova (editor), Li-Chun Zhang (editor), Thomas Zimmermann (editor), 2018
Design Anthropological Futures
Rachel Charlotte Smith (Editor), Ton Otto (Editor), Kasper Tang Vangkilde (Editor), Joachim Halse (Editor), Thomas Binder (Editor), Mette Gislev Kjaersgaard (Editor), 2016
Traumatic Brain Injury: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Peter C. Whitfield (editor), Jessie Welbourne (editor), Elfyn Thomas (editor), Fiona Summers (editor), Maggie Whyte (editor), Peter J. Hutchinson (editor), 2020
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2020
Fred D. Davis (editor), René Riedl (editor), Jan vom Brocke (editor), Pierre-Majorique Léger (editor), Adriane B. Randolph (editor), Thomas Fischer (editor), 2020
Gumbo for the Soul III: Males of Color Share Their Stories, Meditations, Affirmations, and Inspirations
Brian L. Wright Ph.D. (editor), Nathaniel Bryan (editor), Christopher Sewell Ed.D. (editor), Lucian Yates III (editor), Michael Robinson Ed.D. (editor), Kianga Thomas Ed.D. (editor), 2019
Handbuch des Römischen Privatrechts
Ulrike Babusiaux (editor), Christian Baldus (editor), Wolfgang Ernst (editor), Franz-Stefan Meissel (editor), Johannes Platschek (editor), Thomas Rüfner (editor), 2023
Wechselseitige Wahrnehmung der Religionen im Spätmittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit: II. Kulturelle Konkretionen (Literatur, Mythographie, Wissenschaft und Kunst)
Ludger Grenzmann (editor); Thomas Haye (editor); Nikolaus Henkel (editor); Thomas Kaufmann (editor), 2012
Handbook of Biopolymers
Sabu Thomas (editor), Ajitha AR (editor), Cintil Jose Chirayil (editor), Bejoy Thomas (editor), 2023
Nano-Optics: Fundamentals, Experimental Methods, and Applications (Micro and Nano Technologies)
Sabu Thomas (editor), Yves Grohens (editor), Guillaume Vignaud (editor), Nandakumar Kalarikkal (editor), Jemy James (editor), 2020
Primary and revision total ankle replacement : evidence-based surgical management.
Christopher Bibbo (editor); Thomas S. Roukis (editor); Gregory C. Berlet (editor); Murray J. Penner (editor); Christopher F. Hyer (editor), 2021
Sabbahtische Seelenlust (1651): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Thomas Selle (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2018
Sabbahtische Seelenlust (1651): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Thomas Selle (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2018
Neue Musikalische Fest-Andachten (1655): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Thomas Selle (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2019
Conceptualizing and Innovating Education and Work with Networked Learning (Research in Networked Learning)
Nina Bonderup Dohn (editor), Jens Jørgen Hansen (editor), Stig Børsen Hansen (editor), Thomas Ryberg (editor), Maarten de Laat (editor), 2021
Die Zukunft des MINT-Lernens – Band 1: Perspektiven auf (digitalen) MINT-Unterricht und Lehrkräftebildung (German Edition)
Jürgen Roth (editor), Michael Baum (editor), Katja Eilerts (editor), Gabriele Hornung (editor), Thomas Trefzger (editor), 2022
Obstetric intensive care manual
Jr. Thomas H. Strong (editor); Thomas J. Garite (editor); Michael R. Foley (editor), 2014
Obstetric intensive care manual
Michael R. Foley (editor); Thomas J. Garite (editor); Jr. Thomas H. Strong (editor), 2018
Rational Numbers: An Integration of Research
Thomas P. Carpenter (editor), Elizabeth Fennema (editor), Thomas A. Romberg (editor), 1993
Oswald Wieners Theorie des Denkens: Gespräche und Essays zu Grundfragen der Kognitionswissenschaft
Thomas Eder (editor); Thomas Raab (editor); Michael Schwarz (editor), 2023
The Primacy of Persons in Politics: Empiricism and Political Philosophy
John von Heyking (editor), Thomas Heilke (editor), Thomas W. Heilke (editor), 2013
Crosslinkable Polyethylene: Manufacture, Properties, Recycling, and Applications (Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials)
Jince Thomas (editor), Sabu Thomas (editor), Zakiah Ahmad (editor), 2021
Project planning and management : a guide for nurses and interprofessional teams
Patricia L. Thomas (editor); Catherine Dearman (editor); James Leonard Harris (editor); Linda Roussel (editor), 2020