کتاب های Thomas W. Barton

Open-book management : creating an ownership culture
Thomas L. Barton; William G. Shenkir; Thomas Neal Tyson, 1998
Molecular Biology of Cardiac Development and Growth
Paul J. R. Barton Ph.D., Kenneth R. Boheler Ph.D., Nigel J. Brand Ph.D., Penny S. Thomas D.Phil. (auth.), 1995
Making enterprise risk management pay off
Thomas L. Barton, 2002
Making Enterprise Risk Management Pay Off: How Leading Companies Implement Risk Managemen
Thomas L. Barton, 2002
Making Enterprise Risk Management Pay Off: How Leading Companies Implement Risk Management
Thomas L. Barton, 2002
Making Enterprise Risk Management Pay Off: How Leading Companies Implement Risk Management
Thomas L. Barton, 2002
E-Business mit Cloud Computing: Grundlagen | Praktische Anwendungen | verständliche Lösungsansätze
Thomas Barton (auth.), 2014
Mobile Anwendungen in Unternehmen: Konzepte und betriebliche Einsatzszenarien
Thomas Barton, Christian Müller, Christian Seel (eds.), 2016
Boundaries in the Medieval and Wider World: Essays in Honour of Paul Freedman
Thomas W. Barton, Susan McDonough, Sara McDougall, Matthew Wranovix, 2017
Manufacturing Green Gold: Capital, Labor, and Technology in the Lettuce Industry
William H. Friedland, Amy E. Barton, Robert J. Thomas, 1981
Contested Treasure: Jews and Authority in the Crown of Aragon
Thomas W. Barton, 2014