کتاب های Thomas Wies (editor)

The performer's voice
Michael S. Benninger (editor); Thomas Murry (editor); III Michael M. Johns (editor), 2016
Crew Resource Management
Barbara G. Kanki (editor), José Anca (editor), Thomas R Chidester (editor), 2019
Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes for Pervaporation (Micro and Nano Technologies)
Sabu Thomas (editor), Soney C. George (editor), Thomasukutty Jose (editor), 2020
Fundamentals of Microanalytical Entomology: A Practical Guide to Detecting and Identifying Filth in Foods
Alan Olsen (editor), Thomas H. Sidebottom (editor), Sherry A. Knight (editor), 1995
Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook (Nanzan Library of Asian Religion and Culture)
John C. Maraldo (editor), Thomas P. Kasulis (editor), James W. Heisig (editor), 2011
Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology / An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Nina Brown (Editor); Thomas McIlwraith (Editor); Laura Tubelle de González (Editor), 2020
Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology / An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Nina Brown (Editor); Thomas McIlwraith (Editor); Laura Tubelle de González (Editor), 2020
The Humboldtian Tradition: Origins and Legacies
Peter Josephson (editor), Thomas Karlsohn (editor), Johan Östling (editor), 2014
Advances in Communications Satellite Systems: Proceedings of the 36th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC-2018)
Ifiok Otung (editor); Thomas Butash (editor); Peter Garland (editor), 2019
Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification
Barbara Kaltenbacher (editor), Thomas Schuster (editor), Anne Wald (editor), 2020
Handbook of Chitin and Chitosan: Volume 3: Chitin- and Chitosan-based Polymer Materials for Various Applications
Sabu Thomas (editor), Anitha Pius (editor), Sreerag Gopi (editor), 2020
Social Media Materialities and Protest: Critical Reflections
Mette Mortensen (editor), Christina Neumayer (editor), Thomas Poell (editor), 2018
Who’s Driving Electric Cars: Understanding Consumer Adoption and Use of Plug-in Electric Cars
Marcello Contestabile (editor), Gil Tal (editor), Thomas Turrentine (editor), 2020
Principles of Mucosal Immunology
Phillip D. Smith (editor), Richard S. Blumberg (editor), Thomas T. MacDonald (editor), 2020
Tracing the Indo-Europeans: New evidence from archaeology and historical linguistics
Birgit Anette Olsen (editor), Thomas Olander (editor), Kristian Kristiansen (editor), 2019
Tracing the Indo-Europeans: New evidence from archaeology and historical linguistics
Birgit Anette Olsen (editor), Thomas Olander (editor), Kristian Kristiansen (editor), 2019
The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood
Thomas Risse (editor), Tanja A. Borzel (editor), Anke Draude (editor), 2018
Australian private international law for the 21st century : facing outwards
Andrew Dickinson (editor); Thomas John (editor); Mary Keyes (editor), 2017
Traditional Japanese Arts and Culture: An Illustrated Sourcebook
Stephen Addiss (editor), Gerald Groemer (editor), J.Thomas Rimer (editor), 2006
New Media, Old Media: A History and Theory Reader
Wendy Hui Kyong Chun (editor), Anna Watkins Fisher (editor), Thomas Keenan (editor), 2015
Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe, Band II/1: Briefe 1875-1886
Max Weber, Gangolf Hübinger (editor), Thomas Gerhards (editor), Uta Hinz (editor), 2017
Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe, Band II/2: Briefe 1887-1894
Max Weber, Rita Aldenhoff-Hübinger (editor), Thomas Gerhards (editor), Sybille Oßwald-Bargende (editor), 2017
Intimacy and Terror: Soviet Diaries of the 1930s
Veronique Garros (editor), Natalia Korenevskaya (editor), Thomas Lahusen (editor), 1997
Aviation Systems: Management of the Integrated Aviation Value Chain
Andreas Wittmer (editor), Thomas Bieger (editor), Roland Müller (editor), 2021