کتاب های Todd, Jane Marie

Encyclopedie de la Broderie au Ruban. Les Fleurs
Marie Pieroni, 1996
The Work of Raymond J. Carroll: The Impact and Influence of a Statistician
Marie Davidian, 2014
Calcul linéaire
Jean-Marie Souriau
Géométrie et relativité
Jean-Marie Souriau, 1964
Géométrie Symplectique et Physique Mathématique, Aix-en-Provence, Juin 24-28 1974
Jean-Marie Souriau (ed), 1975
Candide (Cliffs Notes)
Francois Marie Arouet James K. Lowers Voltaire, 1965
¡Tequila!: Distilling the Spirit of Mexico
Marie Gaytán, 2014
Against Rousseau: "On the State of Nature" and "on the Sovereignty of the People"
Joseph Marie Maistre, 1996
Guideline on Occupational Exposure Reconstruction
Viet, Susan Marie, 2008
Alexius Meinong: On Objects of Higher Order and Husserl’s Phenomenology
Marie-Luise Schubert Kalsi (auth.), 1978
Alexius Meinong’s Elements of Ethics: with Translation of the Fragment Ethische Bausteine
Marie-Luise Schubert Kalsi (auth.), 1996
Black and Multiracial Politics in America
Yvette Marie Alex-Assensoh, 2000
Cartographies of Knowledge: Exploring Qualitative Epistemologies
Celine-Marie Pascale, 2010
Arithmétique des Algèbres de Quaternions
Marie-France Vignéras (auth.), 1980
Winning health promotion strategies
Anne Marie Ludovici-Connolly, 2010
Health, Safety, & Accident Management in the Chemical Process Industries
Ann Marie Flynn, 2001
Health, Safety, and Accident Management in the Chemical Process Industries
Ann Marie Flynn, 2002
Social Death: Racialized Rightlessness and the Criminalization of the Unprotected
Lisa Marie Cacho, 2012
Analysis of Multidimensional Poverty: Theory and Case Studies
Louis-Marie Asselin (auth.), 2009
Fifty Acres and a Poodle
Jeanne Marie Laskas
Confitures, gelees et chutneys
Marie-Paule Bernardin, 1998